Closed maxiplay closed 5 years ago
We wanted to release tomorrow a the next version and today you come with this useful feature request :-D
Right now I wonder what the best place for putting the getter and setters could be. I guess I put them as an option parameter in addPage.
It would very useful to have the possibility to add rectangles zones to an existing page without the need to "addPage" for this.
Here you can find a java sample implementation by the library org.apache.pdfbox
` String sourceFile = "C:\Users\Maxime\Downloads\pdf.pdf"; String destinationFile = "C:\Users\Maxime\Downloads\pdf.pdf";
PDDocument doc = PDDocument.load(new File(sourceFile));
File destFile = new File(destinationFile);
PDPageTree pages = doc.getPages();
for (int i = 0; i < pages.getCount(); i++) {
PDPage p = pages.get(i);
p.setTrimBox(new PDRectangle(10, 300, 200, 200));
p.setBleedBox(new PDRectangle(400, 300, 200, 200));
p.setArtBox(new PDRectangle(200, 500, 200, 200));
p.setCropBox(new PDRectangle(100, 200, 200, 200));
p.setMediaBox(new PDRectangle(150, 250, 200, 200));
Unfortunately we have no class/object structure in jsPDF. Right now i have a very hacky solution for the issue. Have to think how to make it better...
Tbh, I dont want to write an API method for it right now, because if I write a not so well thought API method, then people would use it and then complain, when I make a proper API Method replacing it and breaking Userlayer. Would it be enough for now, if I just implement the data structure and tell you how to manipulate the rectangles? If I make the next release I would try to get some useful structures for the boxes.
Yes no problem :)
You can get the mediabox and stuff with getPageInfo and because they are objects the data is associated by reference and not by value. So you can manipulate it
I test it tomorrow
I tried
var pdf = new jsPDF({
orientation: 'landscape',
unit: 'mm',
format: [pdfWidth, pdfHeight]
pdf.addImage(imgData, 'JPEG', 0, 0, pdfWidth, pdfHeight, null, 'NONE');
what is in pageContext.mediaBox?
pageContext is an empty object {}. There is nothing.
Which version do you use?
I can test 1.5.2 ?
1.4.1 is six months old. 1.5.2 is the new release with the necessary changes..
Ok I tried and seems to have the good object info
BUT the resulted PDF file does not have anymore good dimension with the new version (1.5.2) whereas the 1.4.1 has perfect dimensions (326mm X 230mm)
You are accessing the data with the internal userunits. You have to scale it with the scalefactor, when you want to access it. The internal userunit is usually point. You can get the scalefactor by doing doc.internal.scaleFactor.
If you want to set trimBox and stuff, simply do e.g.
doc.getCurrentPageInfo().trimBox = {bottomLeftX: 0, bottormLeftY: 0, topRightX: 200, topRightY: 200}
OK for setting trimBox (And thank you !). I will test it.
But I don't understand why with the same code, the resulted pdf file is different between 1.4.1 and 1.5.2
Here the code i have to generate PDF file :
var imgData = canvas.toDataURL("image/jpeg", 1.0);
var pdf = new jsPDF({
orientation: 'landscape',
unit: 'mm',
format: [326, 230]
pdf.addImage(imgData, 'JPEG', 0, 0, 326, 230, null, 'NONE');"download.pdf");
With 1.4.1 the resulted PDF has full image
With 1.5.2 the resulted PDF has rogned image
Can you supply sample code.
Seems like that width and height are not scaled
Or can you provide old pdf and new pdf?
Probably solved with #2193
Same behavior with 1.5.3.
I will create jsfiddle to show.
I created two jsfiddle to show the differents result.
The goal of the code is to generate a PDF from a canvas image.
jsPDF 1.4.1 keep the good size
unit: 'mm', format: [326, 230]
JsPDF 1.5.3 do not adapt to unit: 'mm', format: [326, 230]
I made I think the necessary changes in #2200
Wait new release version to test it.
I just tried this and can confirm that for 1.5.3, the format
parameter doesn't work properly for array arguments. It works correctly in 1.4.1.
Seems like the 1.5.0 release broke a few things...
@arasabbasi Will this be fixed in 1.5.4? Any idea when 1.5.4 will be released?
Seconded, I need the proper units fixed asap, I can't use 1.4.1 because that one doesn't properly do'dataurlnewwindow'), but I can't use 1.5.3 where dataurlnewwindow works because the format part doesn't work. So I can't use either of the two versions. When will you release 1.5.4 with the fix to the format?
please let us know when broken format-as-array issue will be solved,
we want to use your lib on very specific formats (bespoke stationery for print) that dont'fit the standard letter-format provided
mm/px mm/px
2970 2100 form-A5L
1480 2100 form-A5
2900 2000 form-NLL
1450 2000 form-NLV
2000 1450 form-NL
1530 1100 form-20
1720 1150 form-21
2300 1700 form-21L
1700 2300 form-21LV
1630 1630 form-Q
3260 1630 form-QL
860 540 form-CC
950 560 form-07
1300 850 form-09
1470 980 form-99
Also any news on usage of custom TTF fonts (besides sphilee/jsPDF-CustomFonts-support)??
Custom Fonts are integrated and doesnt need sphilees plugin anymore. I hope soon it will be released. You know... James is from the UK, probably some issues with Brexit right now...
Hello !
How to do it ?
I don't find any reference in documentation. Is it implemented ? Is there is jsPDF the notion of "rectangles" zone ?