parallaxinc / BlocklyProp

Blockly based visual programming editor for Propeller C
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Pin drop down list truncated on smaller displays #1612

Open zfi opened 5 years ago

zfi commented 5 years ago

When using the 'make PIN n high' block on a Chromebook with a 768 vertical pixel count display, the list is truncated at pin 24.


Looking for suggestions to correct this issue.

MatzElectronics commented 5 years ago

On production or demo or both?

MatzElectronics commented 5 years ago


Every browser/platform I've tried so far provides a vertical scroller on that menu when its truncated. Some OS's don't make it visible until you mouse over it. Scroll wheels/two-finger gestures also allow you to scroll the menu.

Please confirm - if so, we should close, because this is a UI behavior inherent in the browser itself.

zfi commented 5 years ago

This was observed a number of times on Chromebooks during the week long Hour of Code sessions last month. It seemed to be prevalent on those devices that had a 768 pixel high screen. In each case, the scrollbar would allow us to scroll to the bottom of the list, but the list was truncated at the bottom of the screen as shown in the image in the previous post.

We also have 4-5 Windows Surface tables in these sessions and I do not bellieve we observed the behavior on any of those devices.

MatzElectronics commented 5 years ago

Okay, that makes a bit more sense. I'll try it on some other chromebooks I have access to. Ultimately, the UI is supposed to decide if the menu should be rendered above or below the block, depending on the block's vertical position. It's possible that on those chromebooks, that it isn't being calculated correctly.