parallaxinc / Parallax-IDE

Parallax microcontroller development environment based on Chrome applications.
MIT License
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"New Version" notice snubbed #309

Closed PropGit closed 8 years ago

PropGit commented 8 years ago

@phated - Upon auto-updating, the "New Version" notice for v0.10.0 seems to be snubbed by the new permission that Chrome to auto-disabled the app until user intervention.


When the user accepts the new permission (Re-enables the app), the New Version notice for v0.10.0 is still not shown.

Can we fix this before making v0.10.0 public?

phated commented 8 years ago

Chrome issue that causes this bug

PropGit commented 8 years ago

@phated - thanks. After the discussion and considerations, I'm closing this issue as a "won't fix" item. It may correct itself (ie: Google) later anyway.