parallaxinc / Parallax-IDE

Parallax microcontroller development environment based on Chrome applications.
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Create and update example project on launch #315

Closed 2fast2fourier closed 8 years ago

2fast2fourier commented 8 years ago

What's this PR do?

This PR adds an examples folder with source files on launch. This will automatically add new files if they exist in the examples directory but are not in the user's example project, allowing new files to be added later.

How should this be tested by the reviewer?

Launch the app and verify that the Examples project exists and is populated. Add a new example and rebuild, verify that it is added after the fact.

What are the relevant tickets?

Closes #295

phated commented 8 years ago

@PropGit a warning on this feature... it is adding quite a bit of time to the startup of the application when the examples directory doesn't exist because it is creating all those files before first render (which makes sense).

PropGit commented 8 years ago

@phated - noted, thanks. We'll perhaps add a prompt message ahead of that scenario on a future release.