parallaxsw / OpenSTA

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ClockTree Arrival time issue #66

Closed wuheng01 closed 1 month ago

wuheng01 commented 1 month ago

case.tar.gz when checking hold violation, we found a strange path which pathend always carray a 0.0 as AT. An example is provided in the attachment. the path is from [get_ports {i_CLK_RTC}] to [get_pins {reg2/D}]

Startpoint: i_CLK_RTC (clock source 'CLK_RTC')
Endpoint: reg2 (rising edge-triggered flip-flop clocked by CLK_PLL)
Path Group: path delay
Path Type: min
Corner: ff

Fanout     Cap    Slew   Delay    Time   Description
     1    1.36    0.00    0.00   -0.48 ^ i_CLK_RTC (in)
                                         i_CLK_RTC (net)
                  0.00    0.00   -0.48 ^ U1/A (CLKBUF_X2)
     1    1.36    0.02    0.05   -0.43 ^ U1/Z (CLKBUF_X2)
                                         n1 (net)
                  0.02    0.00   -0.43 ^ U2/A (CLKBUF_X2)
     1    1.36    0.02    0.06   -0.37 ^ U2/Z (CLKBUF_X2)
                                         n2 (net)
                  0.02    0.00   -0.37 ^ U3/A (CLKBUF_X2)
     2    4.16    0.03    0.07   -0.30 ^ U3/Z (CLKBUF_X2)
                                         n3 (net)
                  0.03    0.00   -0.30 ^ U4/A (BUF_X4)
     1    3.25    0.02    0.05   -0.24 ^ U4/Z (BUF_X4)
                                         n4 (net)
                  0.02    0.00   -0.24 ^ U5/A (BUF_X4)
     1    0.76    0.01    0.04   -0.20 ^ U5/Z (BUF_X4)
                                         n5 (net)
                  0.01    0.00   -0.20 ^ U5_3/A (CLKBUF_X1)
     1    0.76    0.02    0.06   -0.14 ^ U5_3/Z (CLKBUF_X1)
                                         n5_n3 (net)
                  0.02    0.00   -0.14 ^ U5_2/A (CLKBUF_X1)
     1    0.76    0.02    0.07   -0.07 ^ U5_2/Z (CLKBUF_X1)
                                         n5_n2 (net)
                  0.02    0.00   -0.07 ^ U5_1/A (CLKBUF_X1)
     1    1.11    0.02    0.07    0.00 ^ U5_1/Z (CLKBUF_X1)
                                         n5_n1 (net)
                  0.02    0.00    0.00 ^ reg2/D (DFF_X1)
                                  0.00   data arrival time

                          0.00    0.00   min_delay
                          0.02    0.02   library hold time
                                  0.02   data required time
                                  0.02   data required time
                                 -0.00   data arrival time
                                 -0.02   slack (VIOLATED)

which other tools shows:

  Startpoint: i_CLK_RTC (clock source)
  Endpoint: reg2 (rising edge-triggered flip-flop)
  Path Group: in2reg
  Path Type: min

  Point                                    Incr       Path
  i_CLK_RTC (in)                        0.00000    0.00000 f
  U1/Z (CLKBUF_X2)                      0.02297    0.02297 f
  U2/Z (CLKBUF_X2)                      0.02445    0.04743 f
  U3/Z (CLKBUF_X2)                      0.02819    0.07562 f
  U4/Z (BUF_X4)                         0.03819    0.11381 f
  U5/Z (BUF_X4)                         0.03281    0.14662 f
  U5_3/Z (CLKBUF_X1)                    0.02134    0.16796 f
  U5_2/Z (CLKBUF_X1)                    0.02203    0.18999 f
  U5_1/Z (CLKBUF_X1)                    0.02295    0.21294 f
  reg2/D (DFF_X1)                       0.00876    0.22170 f
  data arrival time                                0.22170

  min_delay                             0.00000    0.00000
  library hold time                     0.00343    0.00343
  data required time                               0.00343
  data required time                               0.00343
  data arrival time                               -0.22170
  slack (MET)                                      0.21827
jjcherry56 commented 1 month ago

I looks like it because there are ideal clocks (with zero arrival) used as the data input. Please repost the test case with a verilog file so I don't have to use openroad to run it?

wuheng01 commented 1 month ago

case.tar.gz I added a verilog file in the attachment.

jjcherry56 commented 1 month ago

fixed by 128deaa7 issue66 set_min/max_delay -ignore_clock_latency on clock path

jjcherry56 commented 1 month ago

Note that the libraries and corners are not matched (ff with slow lib). It doesn't make much sense to use set_min_delay -ignore_clock_latency for a clock path that in this case is used as a data input.

icbenchpeng commented 1 month ago

This design is from piece of customer case. It is a gated clock path, we just remove the gates that is not needed to reproduce the bug. The clock path detecting methodology still have issues. Other tools will mark the pin not a clock pin if lib say it is not clock, openSTA mark the pin as clock pin. You can see this reg2/D pin is marked as clock pin.

icbenchpeng commented 1 month ago

Clock tree will stop at n5_n1