paralleldrive / cuid

Collision-resistant ids optimized for horizontal scaling and performance.
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cuid.slug 2 characters never change #111

Closed dwelle closed 6 years ago

dwelle commented 6 years ago

cuid.slug() uses 2 chars from browser fingerprint as a constant (4th & 5th character) that never changes, largely decreasing slug's entropy.

Shouldn't the algo be changed so it's using up all 7 characters ~equally?

ericelliott commented 6 years ago

No. Fingerprints are important to avoid collisions in distributed id creation. For example, right now I have two nearly identical macbooks running side-by-side.

One of them has the fingerprint ox. The other has ym.

Additionally, slugs should ONLY be used for situations where collisions are unlikely and non-critical, like URL disambiguation. For example, if I attempt to slugify "My Blog Post" on each of my machines, here are the results:

If you need more entropy and stronger collision guarantees than slug provides, use a full cuid.