With a new (formatted sd card) containing:
Running in my Kickstarter board, the para-para demos could not compile and run because the openmpi files are in /opt/openmpi and not /usr/local. These changes allowed the openmpi demos to run.
I cannot figure out the opencl situation. Nothing works for me.
With a new (formatted sd card) containing: ftp://ftp.parallella.org/ubuntu/dists/trusty/image/ubuntu-14.04-headless-z7020-20141110.img.gz Running in my Kickstarter board, the para-para demos could not compile and run because the openmpi files are in /opt/openmpi and not /usr/local. These changes allowed the openmpi demos to run.
I cannot figure out the opencl situation. Nothing works for me.
Thanks for developing the parallella! Bob Heacox