parallella / parallella-utils

Library of various community contributed Parallella board admin scripts and programs
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SPI 2nd Edge Mode Bug Fix and SPI Speedup trick #3

Closed wizard97 closed 9 years ago

wizard97 commented 9 years ago

Hi Andreas,

Using the scope you let me borrow, I confirmed my suspicion that there was something wrong with the SPI Library when set to write the data on the 2nd clock edge. The library only worked properly when reading/writing data on the first edge of the clock signal. Their are 4 possible clock configurations, and the library only worked properly in two of these configurations. I was able to find and fix the bug on my own, and now it works properly in all 4 modes. You can see the scope pics I uploaded before and after my changes.

Also, after looking through the libraries code I determined we were performing unnecessary writes on the MOSI line (since often times bits don't change between clock cycles). I implemented a way to track the current value on the MOSI line and avoid writing to it if nothing changed. This can speed some writes up by <25%. You can see some scope pics I uploaded before and after as well.

For both these changes you can read my commits for a more detailed explanation.