Open katherinejensen00 opened 4 days ago
I created this case based off of a conversation we had on the sprint 45 retro miro board. I am not confident I got all of the details right. Please feel free to change the description and add more implementation details.
User Story As a developer, I want to understand why package lock is changing so that Paratext 10 builds will be more stable and failed builds more understandable.
Description The Paratext 10 builds have been unstable in Fall 2024. One of the reasons for that has been some errors that show up when the package locks are combined in the build process which makes some problems visible in a way that was harder to see. Another aspect to that, is the package lock json is changing without the devs fully understanding why which makes it easier for errors to pop up in the combination step. Continuous Integration of the package lock in extensions will hopefully help us better understand and maintain the paclage lock json files.
Implementation idea