paranext / paranext-core

Electron client, extension host, and C# library for Paranext
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Application crashes when webview is reloaded/ CTRL +R #887

Open roopa0222 opened 1 month ago

roopa0222 commented 1 month ago

Describe the bug In my extension testing after I updated a input text and hit Ctrl+R to refresh the application . It crashes with the below error

(I am only seeing this error when I edit a value for non registered Validator on projectSettings property.)

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

1.In my test extension edit value of ProjectSettings ItemsPerPage field (I do not have any validation rule registered for this property)

  1. CTRL+R on webview, application crashes

Screenshot 2024-05-08 122114

Expected behavior A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.

lyonsil commented 1 month ago

In our docs we mention this error if a process crashes, but we probably don't want this to happen on refreshing.

tjcouch-sil commented 1 month ago

Great find, Roopa! Thanks! A few questions for you:

  1. On what project are you changing this setting? Is it a Scripture project or something else?
  2. Did you add this ItemsPerPage setting in your extension somehow? What did you do? Just added it to your .d.ts file, added it in projectSettings.json, or something else? Could you send us the files in which you added the project setting and in which you are using the project setting?
  3. Would you mind please sending us your logs? Would be best to close the application, delete the logs, do all this through a crash, then send the log file.

EDIT: Possibly this post corresponds with the same project setting - Roopa, can you confirm? Looks like this answers my questions 1 and 2 if that is the case.

roopa0222 commented 1 month ago

Hi TJ,

Sorry I should I tagged the issues.

Yes I came across this issue when I am trying to test the path when validator is not registered . The step 6 on issue 511.

I save the log from that run. Please let me know if you need additional info. main_appCrash.log