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:computer: Parallel testing for PHPUnit
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No info on failing / risky tests #282

Closed jeanCarloMachado closed 4 years ago

jeanCarloMachado commented 6 years ago

PHPunit now distincts between errors and failures. When we have failures the suite exits with status != 0 as expected but we dont get any clue on the problem.


Running phpunit in 5 processes with /home/jean/projects/compufacil/Backend/vendor/bin/phpunit

Configuration read from /home/jean/projects/compufacil/Backend/phpunit.xml.dist

.........................................S.............SS....   61 / 1534 (  3%)
.....S............SSS.........................S..............  122 / 1534 (  7%)
........................................SSSSSSSSS............  183 / 1534 ( 11%)
..........S..................................................  244 / 1534 ( 15%)
.............................................SSSSSS..........  305 / 1544 ( 19%)
.............................................................  366 / 1545 ( 23%)
.............................................................  427 / 1545 ( 27%)
...............SS............................................  488 / 1545 ( 31%)
.............................................SSS.........S...  549 / 1545 ( 35%)
.............................................................  610 / 1545 ( 39%)
.............................................................  671 / 1547 ( 43%)
.............................................................  732 / 1547 ( 47%)
..........................S......S...........................  793 / 1554 ( 51%)
.........S..............=.....................................  854 / 1556 ( 54%)
.............................................................  915 / 1556 ( 58%)
......SSS.........S..........SSSSSSSSSS......................  976 / 1556 ( 62%)
............................................................. 1037 / 1557 ( 66%)
......S...................................................... 1098 / 1562 ( 70%)
............................................................. 1159 / 1576 ( 73%)
............................................................. 1220 / 1613 ( 75%)
............................................................. 1281 / 1616 ( 79%)
............................................................. 1342 / 1621 ( 82%)
............................................................. 1403 / 1621 ( 86%)
.....S..............................SSSSS.................... 1464 / 1621 ( 90%)
...........................S.........SSSSSSSSS............... 1525 / 1621 ( 94%)
..............................................S.............. 1586 / 1623 ( 97%)

Time: 1.08 minutes, Memory: 48.00MB

Tests: 1623, Assertions: 3900, Failures: 1, Errors: 0.
michaelbutler commented 6 years ago

What version of Paratest and PHPUnit are you running? I couldn't reproduce this one on the latest version of both. do you know what the specific failure was caused by? Was it simply a failed assertion or was it something else, like an E_ERROR raised.

marden commented 6 years ago

I've faced same issue. Paratest doesn't show warnings triggered by phpunit. How to reproduce:

  1. Create a test and mock some class with non-existent method.

  2. Run phpunit with default settings. It will show warning: Trying to configure method "XXX" which cannot be configured because it does not exist, has not been specified, is final, or is static

  3. Run paratest and you will not see a warning.

ghost commented 6 years ago

Do anyone know some workaround around this? Its really hard to chase the warning down if you have really pesky test-set that you are not able to run in PhpUnit natively due to hug ememory requirements.

michaelbutler commented 6 years ago

I'm pretty sure this was fixed in later versions of paratest and phpunit. But if you're not able to upgrade (I highly recommend you do if you can), you can solve this by adding a simple test listener class and add it in phpunit.xml. on the test listener you can throw an exception on test warning, this way you will get a stack trace.

Test listeners can also be used to debug unknown failure issues, by putting a log statement for test start and test end... If there is any start without an end, you know that test crashed.

ghost commented 6 years ago

I am on version 1.1.0 of paratest and 6.5.7 phpunit. Do you suggest to move on 7?

ghost commented 6 years ago

Thanks a lot for that listener hint, trying it now :)

michaelbutler commented 6 years ago

1.1.0 and 6.5.7 should be fine

ghost commented 6 years ago

Here is a listener I used if anyone else got into same trouble as I did.


use PHPUnit\Framework\AssertionFailedError;
use PHPUnit\Framework\Test;
use PHPUnit\Framework\TestListener;
use PHPUnit\Framework\TestSuite;
use PHPUnit\Framework\Warning;

 * @see
class MakeWarningErrorAgainTestListener implements TestListener

     * @inheritdoc
    public function addWarning(Test $test, Warning $e, $time)
        throw new LogicException($e->getMessage(), $e->getCode(), $e);

    // all other methods are just empty

and phpunit.xml just add

        <listener class="MakeWarningErrorAgainTestListener"></listener>
willemstuursma commented 6 years ago

I am still having this issue with the latest paratest and PHPUnit 7.3, but for warnings.

Time: 26.25 seconds, Memory: 90.00MB
Tests: 14851, Assertions: 44497, Failures: 2, Errors: 0.```

PHPUnit gives the warnings:

Time: 2.81 minutes, Memory: 728.00MB

There were 2 warnings:

1) Warning
The data provider specified for zzzTest:xxx is invalid.
2) Warning
The data provider specified for zzzTest::yyy is invalid.
filkaris commented 5 years ago

^ Same issue

chq81 commented 5 years ago

^ Same issue

chq81 commented 5 years ago

^ Same issue here

donotnoot commented 5 years ago

I'm experiencing this but only when I specify a runner, also the number of tests change? Weird.

$ vendor/bin/phpunit
PHPUnit 7.5.1 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.

Error:         No code coverage driver is available

...............................................................  63 / 117 ( 53%)
.........................W............................          117 / 117 (100%)

Time: 15.42 seconds, Memory: 42.00MB

There was 1 warning:

1) Warning
No tests found in class "Tests\Feature\CRUD\SomeControllerTest".

Tests: 117, Assertions: 1076, Warnings: 1.

$ vendor/bin/paratest -p 8           

Running phpunit in 8 processes with /Users/user/www/project/vendor/phpunit/phpunit/phpunit

Configuration read from /Users/user/www/project/phpunit.xml

...........................................W...................  63 / 115 ( 54%)

Time: 10.76 seconds, Memory: 8.00MB

There was 1 warning:

1) No tests found in class "Tests\Feature\CRUD\SomeControllerTest".

Tests: 117, Assertions: 1076, Failures: 1, Errors: 0.

$ vendor/bin/paratest -p 8 --runner SqliteRunner

Running phpunit in 8 processes with /Users/user/www/project/vendor/phpunit/phpunit/phpunit

Configuration read from /Users/user/www/project/phpunit.xml

...............................................................  63 / 114 ( 55%)

Time: 7.92 seconds, Memory: 8.00MB

Tests: 117, Assertions: 1076, Failures: 1, Errors: 0.

$ vendor/bin/paratest -p 8 --runner WrapperRunner

Running phpunit in 8 processes with /Users/user/www/project/vendor/phpunit/phpunit/phpunit

Configuration read from /Users/user/www/project/phpunit.xml

...............................................................  63 / 115 ( 54%)

Time: 8.29 seconds, Memory: 8.00MB

Tests: 117, Assertions: 1460, Failures: 1, Errors: 0.

PHPUnit 7.5.1, Paratest 2.1, Laravel 5.7 if that matters, OS X Mojave

crzdeveloper commented 5 years ago

As a temporary solution. you can try to use the Paratest Logger

willemstuursma commented 5 years ago

We are willing to sponsor support for Warnings and Risky tests.

andreasschroth commented 5 years ago

@willemstuursma Thank you for your generous offer. I gave this issue the label "most-upvotes" now (which basically means "often requested for"). I'll take a look at this once I have some more spare time (but I don't accept any money :-) ).

willemstuursma commented 5 years ago

@andreasschroth we can send you some Mollie swag or stuff from your Amazon wishlist instead, please contact me at

willemstuursma commented 5 years ago

We are also having problems with errors in the setUp() method. They are ignored by paratest and work with PHPUnit.

We are also willing to sponsor fixing this.

rask commented 5 years ago

Same issue here, not seeing what failed and why is a hindrance. Using WrapperRunner here, and I'm calling paratest on a Docker container application via SSH.

Example: made empty test method that does not run assertions. PHPUnit complains about a risky test, but Paratest says there was an error but does not tell me it was a risky test.

Will check if those listeners and loggers are an OK solution in the meantime.

Let me know if you need any help with this, I think I can get a bit of company time to assist here and there.

crzdeveloper commented 4 years ago

The PR #402 might fixed the problem with warnings. I'm not sure about the risky tests, IMHO, they must be implemented in the same way as I did with warnings

oprypkhantc commented 4 years ago

The workaround from above did not properly work for risky tests. We were getting weird framework-related object instantiation errors without any valid stacktrace.

I researched it a little bit and the problem seems to be in phpunit itself (partly), as it's JUnit logs are different for risky tests.

There's a way to rewrite it - basically by providing own test names in the output instead of relying on strings from JUnit, but both require a modification to PHPUnit.

Slamdunk commented 4 years ago

Fixed in master:

#~/repos/paratest (master %=)$ vendor/bin/phpunit test/fixtures/warning_tests/
PHPUnit 9.3.7 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.

W.WW                                                                4 / 4 (100%)

Time: 00:00.008, Memory: 8.00 MB

There were 3 warnings:

1) ParaTest\Tests\fixtures\warning_tests\HasOtherWarningsTest::testMockingNonExistentMethod
Trying to configure method "nonExistentMethodMock" which cannot be configured because it does not exist, has not been specified, is final, or is static

2) Warning
Test method "testPrivateTest" in test class "ParaTest\Tests\fixtures\warning_tests\HasWarningsTest" is not public.

3) Warning
Test method "testMissingDataProvider" in test class "ParaTest\Tests\fixtures\warning_tests\HasWarningsTest" is not public.

Tests: 4, Assertions: 1, Warnings: 3.

#~/repos/paratest (master %=)$ bin/paratest test/fixtures/warning_tests/

Running phpunit in 4 processes with /paratest/vendor/phpunit/phpunit/phpunit

Configuration read from /paratest/phpunit.xml.dist


Time: 00:00.196, Memory: 8.00 MB

There were 3 warnings:

1) ParaTest\Tests\fixtures\warning_tests\HasOtherWarningsTest::testMockingNonExistentMethod
Trying to configure method "nonExistentMethodMock" which cannot be configured because it does not exist, has not been specified, is final, or is static

2) Warning
Test method "testPrivateTest" in test class "ParaTest\Tests\fixtures\warning_tests\HasWarningsTest" is not public.

3) Warning
Test method "testMissingDataProvider" in test class "ParaTest\Tests\fixtures\warning_tests\HasWarningsTest" is not public.
OK (4 tests, 1 assertion)

#~/repos/paratest (master %=)$ bin/paratest --runner WrapperRunner test/fixtures/warning_tests/

Running phpunit in 4 processes with /paratest/vendor/phpunit/phpunit/phpunit

Configuration read from /paratest/phpunit.xml.dist


Time: 00:00.216, Memory: 8.00 MB

There were 3 warnings:

1) ParaTest\Tests\fixtures\warning_tests\HasOtherWarningsTest::testMockingNonExistentMethod
Trying to configure method "nonExistentMethodMock" which cannot be configured because it does not exist, has not been specified, is final, or is static

2) Warning
Test method "testPrivateTest" in test class "ParaTest\Tests\fixtures\warning_tests\HasWarningsTest" is not public.

3) Warning
Test method "testMissingDataProvider" in test class "ParaTest\Tests\fixtures\warning_tests\HasWarningsTest" is not public.
OK (4 tests, 1 assertion)

#~/repos/paratest (master %=)$ bin/paratest --runner SqliteRunner test/fixtures/warning_tests/

Running phpunit in 4 processes with /paratest/vendor/phpunit/phpunit/phpunit

Configuration read from /paratest/phpunit.xml.dist


Time: 00:01.011, Memory: 8.00 MB

There were 3 warnings:

1) ParaTest\Tests\fixtures\warning_tests\HasOtherWarningsTest::testMockingNonExistentMethod
Trying to configure method "nonExistentMethodMock" which cannot be configured because it does not exist, has not been specified, is final, or is static

2) Warning
Test method "testPrivateTest" in test class "ParaTest\Tests\fixtures\warning_tests\HasWarningsTest" is not public.

3) Warning
Test method "testMissingDataProvider" in test class "ParaTest\Tests\fixtures\warning_tests\HasWarningsTest" is not public.
OK (4 tests, 1 assertion)
neclimdul commented 4 years ago

Awesome! Its been a while since I've looked but I remember the logic was basically the same for warnings and risky so does that mean this works for risky tests too?

Slamdunk commented 4 years ago

No because of

Slamdunk commented 4 years ago

Good news: has been merged, and together with now risky tests are reported correctly in ParaTest too:

There were 2 risky tests:

1) ParaTest\Tests\fixtures\failing_tests\UnitTestWithMethodAnnotationsTest::testRisky
This test did not perform any assertions


2) ParaTest\Tests\fixtures\failing_tests\UnitTestWithErrorTest::testRisky
This test did not perform any assertions

cyberhicham commented 3 years ago

I still have risky tests (mostly no assertion tests) reported as errors PHPUnit 9.4.2 && ParaTest 5.0.4

Slamdunk commented 3 years ago

That's correct, because until the end they cannot be distinguished by errors due to a JUnit XML schema.

By now risky tests are reported correctly in ParaTest too I meant that now they are verbose and you can debug them.

cyberhicham commented 3 years ago

so no way to ignore them in paratest or report them as warnings instead ?

Slamdunk commented 3 years ago

No, because this is what ParaTest gets from PHPUnit:

cyberhicham commented 3 years ago

No, because this is what ParaTest gets from PHPUnit:

I see, well the quick solution for me is to address those risky tests I guess, thanks :+1: