paravsalaniwal / praopersonal

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FRQ Associations #12

Open paravsalaniwal opened 9 months ago

paravsalaniwal commented 9 months ago

FRQ 1 (Arrays/Arraylists/2D Arrays)

By repeatedly accessing the various elements and comparing the diversity between two arrays, this FRQ assessed the participants' understanding and application of concepts like 1d and 2d arrays. Even if our project didn't explicitly use 2D arrays, the iteration portion of the fry was in line with the feature I created to compare users and determine whether they shared classes.


The repository is the List allPersons.As we had to iterate within the FRQ to find sums of the array along with testing the diversity of each array, findAll(); allows us to retrieve all users, which initiates the iteration process of going through each 1D array of the users to find the comparable classes. Even though we employed distinct cases, our PBL and CB FRQ set up and loop over various data sets while implementing the same array-based concept.

FRQ 2 (Classes)

This FRQ tested the ability to create a POJO and implement methods to create HiddenWord class which ultimately worked to match the key letters to a specific word with the symbols to indicate if the guess was accurate to reveal the hidden word. Within our project the POJO we created using the Person Class had the users roles, grade, email, and classes for their student profile.

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Classes are essential to PBL becuase they are the main structure with project which has helped especially in my FRQS on classes as it allows me to approach writing classes in similar ways I would if I was trying to create A POJO for my PBL which allows me to be more effiecne and fluent with these object s .

FRQ 3 (Method and Control Structures + 2D Arrays)

This question was testing the principles of a Sparse array by using array list to add to that specific array with different values in an array that mostly contained 0 known as sparse. Within our PBL project we didn't exactly use a 2D array however through our data sent within a JSON file we can compare to a 2d array through its similar structure of the adding data by each date (similar to a column) to each period similar to a row). { "stats": { "2024-02-07": { "period1": "stats", "period2": "csa", "period3": "calcab", "period4": "apes", "period5": "bio" } } }

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Here that implementation is shown through the idea that on a given day this person has this class at this period which has a value of a specific class this can be used to sort people by classes such as ARTS, STEM to better connect others within the database. This is similar to having the sparse array and having to add data to to each row and column with a value such as the each day with each period and each class.


This FRQ main purpose was use inheritance within the which is something we have been working on in PBL since the being of this trimester with the likes of the sorting project. Ultimately this was seen in our project through the extends within our JPA.

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Completing this free-response question (FRQ) really challenged my understanding of Java arrays, which is an area I recognize I need to focus on improving. Part A was relatively straightforward, but I struggled with the syntax and formatting in structuring my code effectively. Part B, focusing on 2D arrays and traversing them, was familiar territory as it aligned with what I learned in trimester 1. However, in Part C, creating a Diverse array proved to be difficult due to somewhat confusing instructions, leading to extensive error testing. Overall, I realized I need more practice with advanced concepts related to arrays.

I found FRQ 2 to be where I experienced the most success. It assessed my ability to design a class with appropriate fields, instance variables, constructors for initialization, and methods for creating a matching game. However, I did need to refer back to previous lessons to fully grasp the implementation of a StringBuilder for assembling the correct variables to match the guess.

FRQ 4 tested my knowledge of ArrayLists and their implementation, particularly in appending and traversing through them. The challenging part for me was verifying if my methods were functioning correctly by testing the data. In Part B, dealing with a sparsed array and retrieving the actual value to remove proved to be the most challenging aspect.

FRQ 3 was undoubtedly the toughest FRQ for me. It delved into advanced Java concepts by exploring polymorphism between classes, which required significant time investment in reviewing lessons and watching videos to grasp thoroughly.

Regarding project-based learning (PBL), I believe it has been instrumental in teaching me how to integrate various Java skills seamlessly. However, I recognize the need to bridge the gap between syntax and conceptual understanding when tackling FRQs.

Soham360 commented 9 months ago


FRQ 1:

Score: 0.9/0.9

FRQ 2:

Score: 0.9/0.9

FRQ 3:

Score: 0.85/0.9

FRQ 4:

Score: 0.85/0.9


Score: 3.5/3.6

CSA 2015 FRQ Grades
FRQs 3.5/3.6
Associations 3.5/3.6
Total 7.0/7.2