parcel-bundler / parcel

The zero configuration build tool for the web. 📊🚀
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Running behind a reverse proxy: Cannot resolve dependency #1163

Open JonathanHuot opened 6 years ago

JonathanHuot commented 6 years ago

Choose one: is this a 🐛 bug report or 🙋 feature request?

🙋 feature request

🎛 Configuration (.babelrc, package.json, cli command)

    <img src="/images/foobar.jpg"/>
$ <run api on port 9090>
$ <run local image service on port 8080 >
$ npx parcel src/index.html --no-cache # run on port 1234

I'm running a reverse proxy locally on port 80 which is dispatching requests depending their URLs:

Then, I'm browsing localhost:80 to access all three services, including parceljs and my image service.

🀔 Expected Behavior

I expect to have parcel running

😯 Current Behavior

Parcel is throwing an error and fail to start: Cannot resolve dependency './../../../../../images/foobar.jpg' at '/images/foobar.jpg'

💁 Possible Solution


I had a look on the changes included in the next release e.g. but I think it's a different issue.

🔊 Context

I'm trying to use parceljs in a micro-services architecture but I can't.

🌍 Your Environment

Software Version(s)
Parcel 1.6.2
Node 9.9.0
npm/Yarn 5.7.1
Operating System
DeMoorJasper commented 6 years ago

Update to 1.7 to make sure the resolver hasn't fixed it, as absolute paths got fixed in 1.7

JonathanHuot commented 6 years ago

Hi, sorry it's not the main problem. The image doesn't exist in the filesystem because it's provided by a image service which is available only at runtime (thru a reverse proxy running locally).

DeMoorJasper commented 6 years ago

EDIT: So you want to be able to ignore certain files from being resolved by parcel at build time, now I get it, sorry for the mixup.

This has been discussed in a few issues now, but there isn't really a solution for it yet, as it would end up adding extra configuration.

JonathanHuot commented 6 years ago

Yeah, I guess adding extra configuration is reasonable, either in the markup (e.g. parcel-ignore=1) or in a config file. As long as it makes this scenario possible... cuz at the moment I am blocked and I'm not able to run parcel with the current micro-services architecture :cry: :cry: