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Surface documentation for @parcel/transformer-css errorRecovery flag #1071

Open bnjmnrsh opened 1 year ago

bnjmnrsh commented 1 year ago

I've found it quite difficult to find information about implementing the "@parcel/transformer-css": errorRecovery flag, and was trying various combinations of adding it to .parcelrc or as a flag on the watch or build commands without success.

The only approach that seems to work is to add it to package.json which I gleaned after many hours of search from a comment in a closed issue:

 "@parcel/transformer-css": {
    "errorRecovery": true

I also surmised that the flag could only be passed to the css-cli as this appears to be the only real documentation, but it doesn't mention package.json at all. Further, search in the documentation doesn't currently return any results for errorRecovery or --error-recovery, nor is there any mention in the sass or css sections of the documentation.

Quick digression, I personally really try to avoid adding configuration to package.json as it is easily overlooked and hard to remember its there. This is the reason that I spent so long trying to invoke the correct magical gestures that would get the setting to work from within .parcelrc instead -- if such a thing is possible, I'd be happy to know how.

One could say that the documentation on [.parcelrc]() is a bit of misdirection in this regard:

Parcel works out of the box for many projects with zero configuration. But if you want more control, or need to extend or override Parcel’s defaults, you can do so by creating a .parcelrc file in your project.

bnjmnrsh commented 1 year ago

Thanks to @devongovett 's explanation about the mechanics and reasoning behind @parcel/transformer-css and LightningCSS's errorRecovery option, I can see that the configuration of this particular feature will remain in package.json for the foreseeable future.

So there are a few things in the current CSS docs that I feel could be expanded to make the feature better understood: First LightingCSS isn't mentioned until the very end in the minification section, which is a shame, one because it's an awesome project in its own right worth highlighting, and two, there a few other small options in addition to errorRecovery that some might be interested in. Given this I'd say it would be useful add the following bits of information, much of which could just signpost to the LightningCSS Parcel docs.


If the above outline of changes looks okay, and if it would be welcome, I'd be happy to put forward a first draft.