pardahlman / RawRabbit

A modern .NET framework for communication over RabbitMq
MIT License
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E2E bindings? #359

Open vzwick opened 6 years ago

vzwick commented 6 years ago


Does RawRabbit currently support E2E bindings? I can't seem to find anything relevant beside BindQueueAsync which doesn't seem to work with E2E.

houseofcat commented 6 years ago

Just browsing real quick I don't really see an ExchangeBindMiddleware but you could add a class that inherits from Middleware and roll your own. Use QueueBindMiddleware as an example.

You would then modify your own Action<IPipeBuilder>() pipe.

At the bottom you would add .Use<ExchangeBindMiddleware>().

private static readonly Action<IPipeBuilder> CreateExchangeAndQueueAndBinding = pipe => pipe
            .Use<ExchangeDeclareMiddleware>(new ExchangeDeclareOptions() { ExchangeFunc = context =>
                 var consume = context.GetConsumeConfiguration();
                 var cfg = context.GetClientConfiguration().Exchange;
                 return new ExchangeDeclaration
                     Arguments = new Dictionary<string, object>(),
                     ExchangeType = cfg.Type.ToString().ToLower(),
                     Durable = cfg.Durable,
                     AutoDelete = cfg.AutoDelete,
                     Name = consume.ExchangeName
             } })
            .Use<QueueDeclareMiddleware>(new QueueDeclareOptions() { QueueDeclarationFunc = context =>
                var consume = context.GetConsumeConfiguration();
                var cfg = context.GetClientConfiguration().Queue;
                return new QueueDeclaration
                    Arguments = new Dictionary<string, object>(),
                    Exclusive = cfg.Exclusive,
                    Durable = cfg.Durable,
                    AutoDelete = cfg.AutoDelete,
                    Name = consume.QueueName
            } })