pardom-zz / ActiveAndroid

Active record style SQLite persistence for Android
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Android m fixes #554

Closed jaishree closed 6 years ago

jaishree commented 6 years ago

I wanted to update my project to latest android compileSdkVersion 26 buildToolsVersion '27.0.3' .I have remove supportv4.jar from Active android and add latest support to gradle

jaishree commented 6 years ago

package com.activeandroid;


import android.content.Context; import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase; import;

import com.activeandroid.serializer.TypeSerializer; import com.activeandroid.util.Log;

import java.util.Collection;

public final class Cache { ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // PUBLIC CONSTANTS //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

public static final int DEFAULT_CACHE_SIZE = 1024;


private static Context sContext;

private static ModelInfo sModelInfo;
private static DatabaseHelper sDatabaseHelper;

private static LruCache<String, Model> sEntities;

private static boolean sIsInitialized = false;


private Cache() {


public static synchronized void initialize(Configuration configuration) {
    if (sIsInitialized) {
        Log.v("ActiveAndroid already initialized.");

    sContext = configuration.getContext();
    sModelInfo = new ModelInfo(configuration);
    sDatabaseHelper = new DatabaseHelper(configuration);

    // TODO: It would be nice to override sizeOf here and calculate the memory
    // actually used, however at this point it seems like the reflection
    // required would be too costly to be of any benefit. We'll just set a max
    // object size instead.
    sEntities = new LruCache<String, Model>(configuration.getCacheSize());


    sIsInitialized = true;

    Log.v("ActiveAndroid initialized successfully.");

public static synchronized void clear() {
    Log.v("Cache cleared.");

public static synchronized void dispose() {

    sEntities = null;
    sModelInfo = null;
    sDatabaseHelper = null;

    sIsInitialized = false;

    Log.v("ActiveAndroid disposed. Call initialize to use library.");

// Database access

public static boolean isInitialized() {
    return sIsInitialized;

public static synchronized SQLiteDatabase openDatabase() {
    return sDatabaseHelper.getWritableDatabase();

public static synchronized void closeDatabase() {

// Context access

public static Context getContext() {
    return sContext;

// Entity cache

public static String getIdentifier(Class<? extends Model> type, Long id) {
    return getTableName(type) + "@" + id;

public static String getIdentifier(Model entity) {
    return getIdentifier(entity.getClass(), entity.getId());

public static synchronized void addEntity(Model entity) {
    sEntities.put(getIdentifier(entity), entity);

public static synchronized Model getEntity(Class<? extends Model> type, long id) {
    return sEntities.get(getIdentifier(type, id));

public static synchronized void removeEntity(Model entity) {

// Model cache

public static synchronized Collection<TableInfo> getTableInfos() {
    return sModelInfo.getTableInfos();

public static synchronized TableInfo getTableInfo(Class<? extends Model> type) {
    return sModelInfo.getTableInfo(type);

public static synchronized TypeSerializer getParserForType(Class<?> type) {
    return sModelInfo.getTypeSerializer(type);

public static synchronized String getTableName(Class<? extends Model> type) {
    TableInfo tableInfo = sModelInfo.getTableInfo(type);
    if (tableInfo == null) {
        throw new NullPointerException("No table info for " + type + "; have you added the model to your manifest?");
    return tableInfo.getTableName();
