pareeohnos / ktrade

A simple UI for managing your trades
MIT License
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Automated EP trading #40

Open pareeohnos opened 1 year ago

pareeohnos commented 1 year ago

As requested by Corringham

I'd like the ability to load up some select EP Tickers chosen in the premarket, which then executes automatically during the open using straight KK defined opening range breakout criteria (with dynamic position sizing, SL placement, and ADR vs Range validation). I note your excellent tool looks to do the live pricing and position sizing with equity risk, but pushing the button on execution I think is manual? Would be great to set the Tickers, and it will trade them off a 1min ORH, and if stopped out will automatically reset (live checking ADR vs Range) and trade on a 5min ORH breakout, and then reset and go in on a 1 hour break. I'm basically doing this mechanically during the day using a spreadsheet, but being at the screen and executing isn't really adding any value to the process. To me the value is in choosing the right stocks to trade as EPs. I'd also like to spend more time Australia, so I'm happy choosing the stocks, putting execution on auto pilot would mean getting some sleep! Thanks in advance for any wisdom or pointers you might have!