parimalsatyal /

(Deprecated) is Parimal Satyal's collection of essays, reviews and music. This is where the back-end static site generator lives.
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Typo #11

Closed GuillaumeDelente closed 6 years ago

GuillaumeDelente commented 6 years ago

it was borne of a vision -> it was born of a vision

Could also use

it was born out of a vision

GuillaumeDelente commented 6 years ago

Not incorrect but I think it depends what you are trying to convey.

Is the web the reason why people want to create an open system? Or is the web the result of people wanting to create an open system?

In the first case, I guess the web could "bear the vision" but I would probably use another verb, something like "support the vision"? In the second case, I would use "born".

markuslaker commented 6 years ago

Born => né Borne => porté

The child was borne out of the burning building; Github was born out of a desire to share code.

parimalsatyal commented 6 years ago

Ah, thanks for the clarification! In this case then, I agree that "born" (né) would indeed be the better option. Merci.