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Web3 #15

Open AndreasS2501 opened 6 years ago

AndreasS2501 commented 6 years ago

Hi Parimal,

Thanks for writing your article! Regarding improving the web, have you heard about efforts around the term "web3"?

Basically using P2P technology to decentralize the web?

Technologies like Blockchains(Ethereum,polkadot) and Distributed Storage (IPFS,filecoin) are some the building blocks. There are many many ( decentralized efforts) but most of them cooperate in some way.

You referenced Tim Berners Lee, did you know that he is now helpng the decentralization effort ( web3)

I think these P2P Technologies can provide great value in realizing the decentralized (web3) vision.

What do you think? Update your article? Write another one on the potential of these?

parimalsatyal commented 6 years ago

Hello @AndreasS2501,

Thank you for the heads-up. I've read about Tim Berners Lee's work on decentralization but was unaware of the term "web3". The page you linked to seems to have quite a few very informative talks on the subject, so that'll go in my weekend watch list.

I didn't mention these efforts in the article so as to not overcomplicate it. I wanted to essentially answer the question, "Why should I care about this and what can I do about it today?" that my designer and non-designer friends were asking.

I'm thinking though that another article on promising projects might be in order. Since I published the article, a few other people have also gotten in touch with links to interesting projects. It's rather exciting (and encouraging) to see but I'll need to examine them in more detail.

Thanks for writing in and the link!

Cheers Parimal