parimalsatyal /

(Deprecated) is Parimal Satyal's collection of essays, reviews and music. This is where the back-end static site generator lives.
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Improvement suggestion for "For web professionals" section #24

Open Kartones opened 6 years ago

Kartones commented 6 years ago

Hi, and first of all many thanks for your great article, I cannot agree more with what you say.

In your article, you recommend "Consider not putting share buttons everywhere", and while I agree default ones are bad, there is a "hidden" solution: Using the old school, non-javascript based sharing functionalities that many social networks have.

I wrote a post about it a few years ago and have been keeping it up to date (except Google +1 which I don't use), but basically you can just have an hyperlink or button that links to the "web share", e.g.:

That way you don't use any external javascript, tracking is way less aggressive (they probably track the referer but not until you click the button) so it is more privacy-aware and faster regarding page load speed.

You might want to provide that alternative at your article, I don't care if linking to my post, copying and pasting the JS-less examples or just briefly mentioning the option. Or just leave it as awesome as it is right now.

Thanks and let's hope articles like yours change people mindsets and we regain some of our old, open web.