parimalsatyal /

(Deprecated) is Parimal Satyal's collection of essays, reviews and music. This is where the back-end static site generator lives.
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Minor fixes/adjustments #3

Closed andersju closed 6 years ago

andersju commented 6 years ago


Removed Sir from Tim-Berners Lee because he wasn't Sir yet.

"Organisation européenne pour la recherche nucléaire" is incorrect; CERN is derived from Conseil Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire, actual French name now is Organisation européenne pour la recherche nucléaire; but I think spelling it out adds needless verbosity -- everyone knows what CERN is.

WWW is much more commonly used than W3 an abbreviation for World Wide Web. W3 usually refers to the W3C.

"Advances in the hyper-text transfer protocol (HTTP), undersea cable infrastructure, the web browser, accessible hosting and, notably, blogging platforms led to a massive democratization and adoption of the web. " ^- Massive adoption of the web happened long before blogging became a thing, so I removed "notably". Also added a few other things.

Changed "Stockholm, Sweden" to "Paris, France" because that's where Webbkoll is these days (until somewhat recently in London; not sure when you did the test).

Removed reference to Brick, because that's just replacing one third party with another; added link to google-webfonts-helper instead.

Additionally just some even more minor stuff.