parisholley / wordpress-fantastic-elasticsearch

Improve wordpress search performance/accuracy and enable faceted search by leveraging an ElasticSearch server.
MIT License
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How to integrate with other plugins (like JSON-API Plugin) #134

Open rhein opened 8 years ago

rhein commented 8 years ago

Thanks for this plugin, it works perfectly on a "normal" WP-Install!

Now, I try to get it working in combination with the JSON-API Plugin (, in order to retrieve the search results via API-Calls. Wordpress is just used as a backend of sorts here.

This however does not work. It seems to me when using the JSON-API Plugin the default search is not overwritten, so only results from the "normal" WP search are returned.

I guess it has something to do with the way the plugins register with Wordpress and overwrite the default functions / behavior. It is probably just a matter of "telling" the JSON-API plugin to use Elasticsearch instead of the normal search. Since I am not a WP developer I have some trouble figuring out where this happens, maybe you can point me in the right direction?

I am posting this here, as I suppose this is an issue with any other plugin that uses the default WP search as its input. Things like plugins used to create internal links within a post etc. come to mind. So it would be good to document the fix somewhere. If it already is documented, please discard this post and just drop me a link to the docs ...

Thanks - Ralf

rhein commented 8 years ago

Just checked: also the WP default internal link-search (for inserting a link into a post) does not utilize elasticsearch. If we find a way to tell it, things would improve a lot I'd say.