I was running capi sync in a react-native project and it failed with
➜ capi-react-native-example git:(feat/rollup) ✗ npm run sync
> capi-react-native-example@1.0.0 sync
> capi sync node
(node:17091) ExperimentalWarning: Custom ESM Loaders is an experimental feature and might change at any time
(Use `node --trace-warnings ...` to show where the warning was created)
: new Error(`[non-error-thrown] ${error}`));
Error: [non-error-thrown] [object Object]
at Command.handleError (file:///home/ryan/Documents/Repositories/capi-vite-example/capi-react-native-example/node_modules/capi/esm/deps_2/deno.land/x/cliffy@v0.25.7/command/command.js:908:19)
at Command.parseCommand (file:///home/ryan/Documents/Repositories/capi-vite-example/capi-react-native-example/node_modules/capi/esm/deps_2/deno.land/x/cliffy@v0.25.7/command/command.js:595:18)
Node.js v20.3.1
throwing a non-error. editing the transpiled javascript to print out what the actual error was produced:
{ diagnosticCodes: [ 2307 ] }
Which seems to be TS2307 - cannot find module for local file.
Could be a cliffy issue and not a capi issue since theres no stacktrace relating to capi, only cliffy.
I was running capi sync in a react-native project and it failed with
throwing a non-error. editing the transpiled javascript to print out what the actual error was produced:
Which seems to be TS2307 - cannot find module for local file.
Could be a cliffy issue and not a capi issue since theres no stacktrace relating to capi, only cliffy.