paritytech / cargo-unleash

cargo release automatisation tooling for massiv mono-repos
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deploy - use tag as version #68

Open drahnr opened 2 years ago

drahnr commented 2 years ago

Closes #67

athei commented 2 years ago

But this doesn't update the Cargo.toml that is comitted. Only temporary. Shouldn't we just bump it manually and then release?

drahnr commented 2 years ago

Well, we could inverse the relation. Make the manifest the truth and create a git tag after release (like cargo release does) - downside: The gh actions requires push access to master (not sure if there is a delta between tags and commits).

athei commented 2 years ago

This sounds much better to me.

(not sure if there is a delta between tags and commits).

Don't understand what you mean. It would make the tag to a fixed commit hash and also release this very ref. If someone pushes to master in-between this wouldn't matter. Was this your concern?

drahnr commented 2 years ago

Don't understand what you mean. It would make the tag to a fixed commit hash and also release this very ref. If someone pushes to master in-between this wouldn't matter. Was this your concern?

Access rights for the github action to tag (aka write to the repo would be required) - that's usually not great since the action can be modified by contributors, hence not great.

athei commented 2 years ago

Aren't changes to github actions only executed once they are merged to master for this reason as a security measure (or at least you can enable that)?