paritytech / polkadot-sdk

The Parity Polkadot Blockchain SDK
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XCM: Message Queues #489

Open gavofyork opened 1 year ago

gavofyork commented 1 year ago

Several improvements needed before we can lift the harsh restrictions placed on message queues at present:

Once all items are complete, safeguards designed to avoid PoV-exhaustion can be removed. At this point, sane v2 -> v3 weight conversions must also be removed; instead the Weight should be approximately equivalent to a block's total PoV weight. This will make almost all v2 messages overweight on a v3 system. The practical fix is to upgrade to v3.


xlc commented 1 year ago

To confirm, we can remove the XCM SafeCallFilter once this PR is addressed?

kianenigma commented 1 year ago

To confirm, we can remove the XCM SafeCallFilter once this PR is addressed?

Yes, as per: