paritytech / polkadot-sdk

The Parity Polkadot Blockchain SDK
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Charge core time chains fees for upgrading their runtime code #669

Open eskimor opened 1 year ago

eskimor commented 1 year ago

parachains which have won slot auctions are constrained by time on how often they can upgrade their runtime code. We need to charge parathreads for this, as the total number of parathreads is not limited by anything. This could lead to a constant flow of very large code upgrades.


eskimor commented 1 year ago

In fact there is no reason to special case on-demand. We should also charge bulk parachains for upgrades. Idea would be to leave legacy auction parachains as is, but charge all other chains a fee for upgrades.

Reasoning: With coretime, even "bulk" parachains are not really limited in magnitude.

bkchr commented 11 months ago

Or we could just increase the time between upgrades, but offer a way for paying to shorten this time to the current default timeout between upgrades.

eskimor commented 11 months ago

Also, is the deposit for the PVF updated? Or can someone just register a real small runtime and then upgrade to something big without increasing the deposit?

eskimor commented 11 months ago

@antonva @Szegoo While I can see us launching on-demand on Kusama without fees for upgrading. The issue with the low deposit is a deal breaker. Those two in combination makes it a no-go to launch without a fix, even for Kusama.

eskimor commented 11 months ago

@Szegoo thanks for looking into this. Whenever you have something, you can request a review from @antonva and me.

eskimor commented 7 months ago

Partially handled

bkchr commented 5 months ago more discussion happened here.