paritytech / polkadot-sdk

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Barrier should be able to deny certain XCMs from happening explicitly #837

Open gilescope opened 2 years ago

gilescope commented 2 years ago

We currently have a set of allow rules that will let certain messages through using the ShouldExecute tuple.

The suggestion is to have a guard that ensures that any matching message is denied:

pub struct DenyThenTry<Deny, Allow>(PhantomData<Deny>, PhantomData<Allow>)
    Deny: ShouldExecute,
    Allow: ShouldExecute;

impl<Deny, Allow> ShouldExecute for DenyThenTry<Deny, Allow>
    Deny: ShouldExecute,
    Allow: ShouldExecute,
    fn should_execute<Call>(
        origin: &MultiLocation,
        message: &mut Xcm<Call>,
        max_weight: Weight,
        weight_credit: &mut Weight,
    ) -> Result<(), ()> {
        Deny::should_execute(origin, message, max_weight, weight_credit)?;
        Allow::should_execute(origin, message, max_weight, weight_credit)

At the moment DenyThenTry<(),(.....)> would always deny with the empty tuple because it returns Err() on nothing matched.

Keith mentioned that returning NoRulesMatched from RejectReason that is introducing might help. It might be clearer if we had an opposite of the ShouldExecute trait.

gilescope commented 2 years ago

Supporting a mechanism of this ilk should mean that we can delete code introduced in cumulus PR: