paritytech / subxt

Interact with Substrate based nodes in Rust or WebAssembly
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storage_type: Strip key proper hash and entry bytes (32 instead of 16) #1522

Closed lexnv closed 3 months ago

lexnv commented 3 months ago

This PR ensures that we can properly decode storage key addresses.

There was an issue confirmed by, where the decoding of keys for dynamic storage queries would always fail at:

After investigating the code path, the error is coming from the following lines:

The check appeared to be correct, as well as consuming hasher keys via consume_hash_returning_key_bytes.

After inspecting the key address bytes, we wrongly assumed the storage prefix bytes length.

Our storage keys start with the following:

twox_128(storage prefix) ++ twox_128(storage entry name)

In the issue, it is twox_128(System) ++ twox_128(Accounts).

The output of the twox is: 16 bytes, not 8 as stated and assumed in our code base.

Testing Done


jsdw commented 3 months ago

Awesome; thanks for digging into this!