paritytech / subxt

Interact with Substrate based nodes in Rust or WebAssembly
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Rename traits to remove T suffix #1535

Closed jsdw closed 2 months ago

jsdw commented 2 months ago

In the end I went for a pattern like:

mod            trait    concrete type              static type        dynamic type
constants      Address  DefaultAddress<ReturnTy>   StaticAddress<..>  DynamicAddress   
custom_values  Address  -                          StaticAddress<..>  str
storage        Address  DefaultAddress<K,R,F,D,I>  StaticAddress<..>  DynamicAddress<K>
runtime_api    Payload  DefaultPayload<Args,Ret>   StaticPayload<..>  DynamicPayload     
tx             Payload  DefaultPayload<CallData>   StaticPayload<..>  DynamicPayload

Where the static and dynamic types are mostly just aliases to the DefaultX concrete type.