parker-codes / coda-js

An eloquent Node API for interacting with your Coda Docs.
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Migrate to API v1 stable #12

Closed ajimix closed 4 years ago

ajimix commented 4 years ago

Coda just released v1 stable of their API. The project should be migrated to continue working with Coda

Official announcement

parker-codes commented 4 years ago

Thanks @ajimix for letting us know about the announcement!

I don't have the availability to make these updates at the moment. We have until August 21st though I don't like doing things last minute. Does anyone want to tackle this? Even taking one or two of the updates would be very helpful!

If you have any questions before tackling this or you want to claim some of the items, just let me know.

CC @mjoyce @svennu @inguelberth @fenixsolorzano

parker-codes commented 4 years ago

I've created a v1-migration branch for contributing to.

thecodelearner commented 4 years ago

@parker-codes I've been using coda-js for about two months now in a professional use case application. I started with coda-js because honestly it was a hell lot simple to use and not at all complicated. As such, I'd like to help in bumping up to v1stable. I haven't done much open source contributions but I'd be more than happy to help tackle the small changes while migration to v1stable. Could you guide me on what would be some high priority changes so I can go ahead fork it and work on them?

Meanwhile I will go through the migration guide and their stable api docs. Thanks a ton for making this wrapper api.

parker-codes commented 4 years ago

@thecodelearner Thanks for wanting to help out! I'm glad this package has helped!

Since you say you're newer to open source, I suggest starting with doing a more simple task and then taking on the more challenging ones if you're up for it. This migration to v1 shouldn't be too difficult even if one were to do the whole thing alone. Just don't feel like you have to. 😊

Here's what contributing might look like:

  1. Fork the repo.
  2. Checkout the v1-migration branch (which is currently identical to the master branch).
  3. Look through the project structure. You don't have to memorize everything - just focus on getting an idea of where certain files go and how they work.
  4. Do the first task higher up in this issue:

    update request path to use v1 in API.ts

  5. Commit that change with a simple commit message.
  6. Do any other tasks and commit them to your fork also. Ask as many questions as you want if something isn't clear.
  7. When you're ready, create a PR (GitHub has some helpful buttons to do this in it's interface, but if you'd like some help with it, let me know). You can then comment in this thread and paste the link to the PR for review.
  8. We'll give you feedback. You don't have to worry about negative comments - there are always rude people, but if you ever encounter them just don't pay attention to them. If there are any suggestions on changes, we'll point it out.
  9. The PR gets merged into the coda-js repo's v1-migration branch. If there are many commits, I can "squash" them all into one big commit. Once all of the migration tasks are complete, I'll merge it into master and bump the package version to the next major release.
thecodelearner commented 4 years ago

@parker-codes will do. Thanks a lot.

parker-codes commented 4 years ago

@thecodelearner Just got a PR (#15) from someone that takes care of task 1 through 4. Sometimes things move fast. If you're not up for the other tasks in the list, I understand, but I'd still love your help!

thecodelearner commented 4 years ago

Ah no worries. I'll try to look for items 5+ in the list

parker-codes commented 4 years ago

I'm working on number 6 (pending statuses).

Finished that task: 6d50a02

parker-codes commented 4 years ago

Finished task number 5: a14f009

I will publish this as v4 of coda-js!