parkerbowling / django-app

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Ready website for Deployment! #23

Open parkerbowling opened 2 months ago

parkerbowling commented 2 months ago
  1. Add login functionality ✅ with password recovery(?)
  2. Make sure no pages can be accessed without being logged in ✅
  3. Log in timeout maybe
  4. Secure the database that is being used, encryption in transit and at rest if possible
  5. Fix minor bugs
  6. Make the website look prettier
  7. Handle initial website interaction, like when the user first makes an account they need to make some categories before anything else happens ✅
  8. Buy a domain, sign up with "Render" the hosting platform, and deploy!
parkerbowling commented 2 months ago

Income needs to be a default category because things are hard coded at the moment. Also It needs to be immutable, so no "edit" or "delete" options come up for it in the budget. ✅

parkerbowling commented 2 months ago

Recipes user data needs to be looked at. Make sure recipes are specific to each user and you can't see other user's recipes

parkerbowling commented 2 months ago

Also need to make sure users can't make duplicate budget items of the same name like "Dine Out" exists but "Dine out" and "Dine Out" can't be created.