I downloaded the fastq files, reference files and background matrix for hg19 in test directory.
then I ran successfully the "pre" step.
When I ran the tl command, I got the following error message:
hint tl -m ./HiNT_test_cooler/test_1000kb.cool,./HiNT_test_cooler/test_100kb.cool --chimeric ./HiNT_test_cooler/test_chimeric.sorted.pairsam.gz --refdir ./HiNT/references/hg19 --backdir ./HiNT/backgroundM/hg19 --ppath ./anaconda3/envs/pybio/bin/pairix -f cooler -g hg19 -n test -o HiNT_test_tl
OSError: HiNT_test_tl/InterMap_matrix/test_1000kb_chr8_chr16_InterMap_matrix.txt not found.
I got the same message for my own data even though the chromosome number is different.
I downloaded the fastq files, reference files and background matrix for hg19 in test directory. then I ran successfully the "pre" step. When I ran the tl command, I got the following error message: hint tl -m ./HiNT_test_cooler/test_1000kb.cool,./HiNT_test_cooler/test_100kb.cool --chimeric ./HiNT_test_cooler/test_chimeric.sorted.pairsam.gz --refdir ./HiNT/references/hg19 --backdir ./HiNT/backgroundM/hg19 --ppath ./anaconda3/envs/pybio/bin/pairix -f cooler -g hg19 -n test -o HiNT_test_tl
OSError: HiNT_test_tl/InterMap_matrix/test_1000kb_chr8_chr16_InterMap_matrix.txt not found.
I got the same message for my own data even though the chromosome number is different.
Here is my conda list:
Name Version Build Channel
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gxx_linux-64 7.3.0 h553295d_15
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