I'm creating a script that would allow me to activate a specific set of windows, however it doesn't seem to cooperate with KDE when using setActiveWindow.
I'm currently running Debian 10 Buster with KDE 5 Plasma as my desktop environment. When I tried using setActiveWindow all it would do was highlight the programs in my task bar. I am certain that window activation was possible in KDE through the Xlib library because the xdotool command was able to activate the windows without problem.
I wrote a small script comparing the use of both setActiveWindow and xdotool and tested in on KDE, Gnome and Xfce, for the later two ewmh seems to work fine without issue:
from ewmh import EWMH
from time import sleep
from os import system
from sys import argv
user_input = argv[1]
mode = argv[2]
ewmh = EWMH()
the_list = ewmh.getClientList()
def use_ewmh(): #using setActiveWindow, Python Xlib implementation
for i in the_list:
if mode == "0": #run "python3 test.py 0 0"
elif str(ewmh.getWmName(i)).count("Calc"): #run "python3 test.py 0 1"
def use_xdotool(): #using xdotool windowactivate, C implementation
for i in the_list:
the_id = str(i).find('0x')
the_string = str(int(str(i)[the_id:the_id+10], 16))
if mode == "0": #run "python3 test.py 1 0"
system("xdotool windowactivate " + the_string)
elif str(ewmh.getWmName(i)).count("Calc"): #run "python3 test.py 1 1"
system("xdotool windowactivate " + the_string)
if user_input == "0":
I'm creating a script that would allow me to activate a specific set of windows, however it doesn't seem to cooperate with KDE when using setActiveWindow.
I'm currently running Debian 10 Buster with KDE 5 Plasma as my desktop environment. When I tried using setActiveWindow all it would do was highlight the programs in my task bar. I am certain that window activation was possible in KDE through the Xlib library because the xdotool command was able to activate the windows without problem.
I wrote a small script comparing the use of both setActiveWindow and xdotool and tested in on KDE, Gnome and Xfce, for the later two ewmh seems to work fine without issue:
I've recorded the results and the can be viewed here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=adgIoy7l1TU