parkouss / webmacs

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versionable user profile data #136

Open salotz opened 4 years ago

salotz commented 4 years ago

Would it be possible to have an option to store certain kinds of profile data in some sort of plaintext format that is versionable or syncable by something like git?

One huge annoyance I have with the big browsers is that its unnecessarily difficult to transfer browser configuration data between installations (computers). The desired behavior I have in mind is that certain profile data files can live in a separate "dotfiles" config file and be symlinked into the ~/.webmacs/profiles/profile/ folder and just be read directly by webmacs. No import or export step.

This wouldn't have to include all data that would be better served by a database like caches.

The main two pieces of data that I would like this feature for are:

TLATER commented 4 years ago

The profiles are mostly provided by the qt web engine, so unfortunately arbitrary profile data wouldn't be that easy to implement this way.

I think it is however already feasible to insert bookmarks/history with the init file (it has full programmatic access to the engine, after all). Maybe we just need documentation on how to do this?

salotz commented 4 years ago

profiles are mostly provided by the qt web engine

I suspected that was the case.

The bookmark variables are not documented in the table of variables to set so I guess that could be improved.