parmaja / usbKeyboard

Atmega/Attiny usbKeyboard library based on "vusb-for-arduino"
MIT License
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Attiny84 Keyboard #1

Open Soumojit28 opened 3 years ago

Soumojit28 commented 3 years ago

Can you help me how can I use this with attiny84 to act as a keyboard?

zaher commented 3 years ago

follow this project it is based on another one with improvements, it is IR project but you can modify it to send keyboards

Soumojit28 commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the quick answer, I have some more questions as I am using an attiny84 is it require an external 16Mhz crystal to communicate with the usb? and need a bit more help with the schematics, which pins on attiny84 should connect to usb?

zaher commented 3 years ago

look at this project you can remove the part of IR reciever, and keep attiny send keyboard message by adding push button for example

Soumojit28 commented 3 years ago

Yup, I sawed it, but the thing is will this stays the same for an attiny84, and any ideas if I need an external crystal for it?

zaher commented 3 years ago

just add it, look at this schema, i used external crustal 20 for my project

Soumojit28 commented 3 years ago

So tried it, added a 16Mhz crystal in attiny84, its working with the crystal, modified the usbconfig.h like this

``/* This is the port where the USB bus is connected. When you configure it to

Compiled the example sketch in the library and uploaded the code but getting Unknown USB Device (Device Descriptor Failed) in the device manager. any ideas whats wrong here?

zaher commented 3 years ago

I can not help you, because it is not my main job, it is just hobby project.