parnic / LibDogTag-Unit-3.0

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Add support for nameplate units #1

Closed ascott18 closed 3 years ago

ascott18 commented 3 years ago

Allows to be fixed properly.

I already pushed this to the WowAce repo, but I see you disabled the packager there in favor of a GH action (👍).

How do you want to handle any updates I have to LDT or LDT-Unit in the future? Since most (all?) .pkgmetas are still pointing at and pulling from WowAce, I guess changes still need to be pushed there, but we also want the official packages to be in sync.

I'm happy to just submit PRs here and let you merge them upstream to Wowace, or whatever other process you'd prefer.

parnic commented 3 years ago

Honestly I forgot about pkgmetas needing to pull from wowace still. I will need to reopen that repo and push to both places. PRs are very easy to deal with, though, so thanks for sending this along.

parnic commented 3 years ago

Oh, I didn't actually close the wowace repo. That's good. I'll force-push from github to curseforge, though. Not sure of a better way to handle it at the moment.

Backupiseasy commented 3 years ago

Thanks, both of you, for adding this to LDT :)