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TikZ patterns not working #13

Closed iceghost closed 9 months ago

iceghost commented 3 years ago

Adding patterns broke a TikZ code. Here is a simple example:

\filldraw[pattern=dots] (0, 0) rectangle (1, 1);
\draw (-1, -1) -- (2, 0);

All I got is a blank svg. It didn't even render the line below the pattern.

parpalak commented 3 years ago

I think the problem is somewhere in my LaTeX setup or in dvisvgm. Unfortunately, I could not find it in a few hours. I'll try to update the LaTeX later.

parpalak commented 3 years ago

I've looked deeper into the problem. It turns out that the problem is in the dvisvgm utility. I have the TeX Live distribution installed. It contains dvisvgm version 2.9.1, although there is now a more recent version 2.11. The binaries in the distribution are updated once a year. The next update will be at the end of March and let's see if it fixes the problem.

Theoretically, it is possible to compile a fresh version of dvisvgm. Once I tried to do that, but I did not succeed in solving problems with dependency versions, libraries, sources and other things.

sajozsattila commented 3 years ago

Is there any update on this issue? I am experiencing the same.

parpalak commented 3 years ago

Sorry, I have no time to test the new LaTeX version. I think it will take some time.

parpalak commented 3 years ago

I've tested the fresh version dvisvgm in TeX Live 2021. Looks like the bug is still in place. I've created the issue on dvisvgm:

parpalak commented 9 months ago

After updating to TeX Live 2023 the issue is gone: image