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method overload in pir subclass of pmc pccmethod leaves object undefined #246

Open particle opened 14 years ago

particle commented 14 years ago

while creating a subclass of Exporter to test inter-language exports, i stumbled across a bug that i can't seem to fix.

i've created a subclass of Exporter called MyExporter. MyExporter has an overridden 'add_global' method, which adds a '&' sigil to each global specified by the user and calls the method in the superclass.

i've also created a high-level language that uses the '&' sigil on subs, and i import and aim to call the hll sub. however, the code never finishes 'add_method', as it segfaults inside the supermethod with an undefined 'exp' object. that is, from src/pmc/exporter.pmc, line 260:

Parrot_Exporter *exp = PARROT_EXPORTER(SELF);

after this line, 'exp' is NULL, but 'SELF' (or after macro expansion 'pmc') is not. this is not the case when 'add_method' has not been overridden. here's the pir code that exposes the bug:

.sub 'main' :main .local pmc exp, ns

exp = new 'MyExporter'

ns = get_root_namespace ['foo'] exp.'source'( ns )




'&bar'() ## THIS WILL SUCCEED! 'bar'() ## THIS WILL FAIL!



create a subclass of Exporter that overrides 'add_global'

it adds a '&' sigil to each requested global

.namespace ['MyExporter'] .sub 'onload' :load :init :anon .local pmc class class = subclass 'Exporter', 'MyExporter' .return () .end

.sub 'add_global' :method .param string glb :optional .param int has_glb :opt_flag

.local pmc args, super args = new .Hash super = new .Super, self

unless has_glb goto no_global glb = concat '&', glb .return super.'add_global'( glb ) no_global: .return super.'add_global'() .end

create a high-level language that uses '&' sigil for sub names

.HLL 'foo', '' .sub '&bar' say 'hello, world!' .end

note that switching from a tail method call to a regular method call has no effect.

also note that my code also exposes a problem with the current Exporter implementation: the imported sub name does not match the requested name. i have yet to address this as the current bug is blocking progress.



coke commented 14 years ago

Followup comments:

coke says:
> The PIR code in this ticket now causes a Bus error on osx/386 (r25175)
Also segfaults in linux/386 for me.
I added an assertion that catch the fault in r30859
coke commented 14 years ago

This was originally reported in

jkeenan commented 14 years ago

Is there any test we could add to t/pmc/exporter.t that we could mark as TODO that would enable us to track the issues in this ticket.

Other Exporter-related tickets: TT #1233; TT #1205.

Thank you very much.
