parroty / excoveralls

Coverage report tool for Elixir with integration.
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Is there a way to post coverage from Github Actions in parallel mode? #294

Open miguelnietoa opened 1 year ago

miguelnietoa commented 1 year ago

Hi there!

Is there a way to post coverage from Github Actions in parallel mode?

Something like mix coveralls.github --parallel true and then setup another job sending the webhook to…

I know that mix does allow this parallel option.

shamshirz commented 5 months ago

Hey, it's unlikely you are experiencing this problem still, but I was!


I want to run my partitioned test suite and post a coverage report of the merged partitions. The mix coveralls.github isn't working and isn't giving me any clues!


Combination of mix coveralls.lcov (read: Changed to a different report format) + the coveralls github action.

This psuedo-sample github action below shows how it worked for us.

    needs: build
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    name: Test-OTP ${{matrix.otp}}/Elixir ${{matrix.elixir}}/${{matrix.test_partition}}
        test_partition: [1, 2]
        otp: [26.1.1]
        elixir: [1.15.6]
      db: …
    - name: Install OTP and Elixir
    - other setup like cache etc…
    - name: Run Tests and Generate Coverage Report
      run: |
        MIX_TEST_PARTITION=${{ matrix.test_partition }} mix coveralls.lcov --partitions 2
        GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
    - name: Upload Parallel Coverage Report
      uses: coverallsapp/github-action@v2
        flag-name: run-${{matrix.test_partition}}
        parallel: true

    needs: test
    if: ${{ always() }}
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Close parallel build
        uses: coverallsapp/github-action@v2
          parallel-finished: true
          carryforward: "run-1,run-2"

Fun keywords that may help others find this:

✅ API Response: {"error":"No build matching CI build number 8453443938 found"}

miguelnietoa commented 5 months ago

@shamshirz thanks a lot!

When I initially tackled this issue, I constructed the request to Coveralls in the following way:

Would you mind sharing your thoughts on whether your suggested approach might be more effective than mine?

shamshirz commented 4 months ago

tl;dr I think yours is equally good 👍 No complaint

Mine: uses: coverallsapp/github-action@v2 for pushing partial coverage and for notifying parallel is done Yours: mix coveralls.github for partial coverage and curl directly for notifying parallel is done

I don't think it makes much difference. If it could've gotten the mix task to work for both, then I likely would've thought that was the best of both worlds. Additionally in case you run into this, I found that the overhead of running mix test --cover (equivalent to mix coveralls.X) was really high! Whether you do a portion of tests or the whole suite, it has to compile all of the files again within the task.

Ultimately, I ended up going back to a non-parallel approach and we only update the coverage badge after merges into main, rather than doing the coverage check as part of each PR.