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Unable to run vim.tiny in memcache client #79

Closed skachm closed 7 years ago

skachm commented 7 years ago

The datacaching instructions say to use vim.tiny to edit docker_servers.txt, but I can't seem to launch vim.tiny:

memcache@77d401e39036:/usr/src/memcached/memcached_client$ vim.tiny
bash: vim.tiny: command not found
memcache@77d401e39036:/usr/src/memcached/memcached_client$ vim.tiny dockers_servers.txt
bash: vim.tiny: command not found

It doesn't appear to be installed either:

memcache@77d401e39036:/usr/src/memcached/memcached_client$ ls /usr/bin
[             debconf-set-selections   hostnamectl   nawk          sdiff             tee
addpart           debconf-show         i386      newgrp        select-editor         test
apt           delpart              iconv         nice          sensible-browser      tic
apt-cache         diff             id        nl        sensible-editor       timedatectl
apt-cdrom         diff3            infocmp       nohup         sensible-pager        timeout
apt-config        dircolors            infotocap     nproc         seq           tload
apt-get           dirname              install       nsenter       setarch           toe
apt-key           dpkg             ionice        numfmt        setsid            top
apt-mark          dpkg-deb             ipcmk         od        setterm           touch
arch              dpkg-divert          ipcrm         pager         sg            tput
awk           dpkg-maintscript-helper  ipcs      partx         sha1sum           tr
base32            dpkg-query           ischroot      passwd        sha224sum         truncate
base64            dpkg-split           join      paste         sha256sum         tset
basename          dpkg-statoverride        last      pathchk       sha384sum         tsort
bashbug           dpkg-trigger         lastb         perl          sha512sum         tty
bootctl           du               lastlog       perl5.22.1    shred             tzselect
busctl            env              ldd       pg        shuf          unexpand
captoinfo         expand               line      pgrep         skill             uniq
catchsegv         expiry               link      pinky         slabtop           unlink
chage             expr             linux32       pkill         snice             unshare
chattr            factor               linux64       pldd          sort          update-alternatives
chcon             faillog              locale        pmap          split             uptime
chfn              fallocate            localectl     pr        stat          users
chrt              find             localedef     printenv      stdbuf            utmpdump
chsh              flock            logger        printf        sum           vmstat
cksum             fmt              logname       prlimit       systemd-analyze       w
clear             fold             lsattr        ptx           systemd-cat       w.procps
clear_console         free             lscpu         pwdx          systemd-cgls      wall
cmp           getconf              lsipc         realpath      systemd-cgtop         watch
comm              getent               lslocks       rename.ul     systemd-delta         wc
csplit            getopt               lslogins      renice        systemd-detect-virt   whereis
cut           gpasswd              lspgpot       reset         systemd-path      which
deb-systemd-helper    gpg              mawk      resizepart    systemd-resolve       who
deb-systemd-invoke    gpg-zip              mcookie       rev           systemd-run       whoami
debconf           gpgsplit             md5sum        rgrep         systemd-stdio-bridge  x86_64
debconf-apt-progress  gpgv             md5sum.textutils  runcon        tabs          xargs
debconf-communicate   groups               mesg      savelog       tac           yes
debconf-copydb        head             mkfifo        script        tail          zdump
debconf-escape        hostid               namei         scriptreplay  taskset
neo-apz commented 7 years ago

The container and the instruction page are both updated. Thanks for reporting the issue.