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ParseFile uploads multiple times #1178

Open alexandersokol opened 1 year ago

alexandersokol commented 1 year ago

New Issue Checklist

Issue Description

Hello! I faced an issue when attached to an object file is uploaded several times. Previously users reported an issue that some of them have an "infinite uploading spinner" on the screen. We decided to add progress and found this problem.

We have the following structure of the objects:


videoFile : ParseFile Image:

thumbnailFile : ParseFile originFile : ParseFile

So to get the uploading progress the idea was to upload files first and calculate the average by taking the progress data callback of each file.

The code:

suspend fun createVideo(previewImage: ImageResource, videoResource: VideoResource, callback: (Int) -> (Unit)): Video {
        var progress = 0

        val previewFile = previewImage.parseFile {
            progress += it
            callback(progress / 2)
            Timber.v("[INV] MediaRepository:createVideo:234 - PREVIEW PROGRESS $it")
        Timber.d("[INV] MediaRepository:createVideo:237 - Preview uploaded")

        val videoFile = videoResource.parseFile {
            progress += it
            callback(progress / 2)
            Timber.v("[INV] MediaRepository:createVideo:239 - VIDEO PROGRESS $it")
        Timber.d("[INV] MediaRepository:createVideo:244 - Video Uploaded")

        val video = ParseObject.create(
        Timber.d("[INV] MediaRepository:createVideo:247 - Video object created")
        video.previewImage = ParseObject.create( {
            thumbnailFile = previewFile
            originalFile = thumbnailFile
            Timber.d("[INV] MediaRepository:createVideo:251 - image object created")
        Timber.d("[INV] MediaRepository:createVideo:253 - Image object linked")
        video.originalFile = videoFile
        Timber.d("[INV] MediaRepository:createVideo:254 - Video file linked")
        Timber.d("[INV] MediaRepository:createVideo:257 - Video object saved")
        return video

For the previewFile & videoFile progress should be in the range [0..200] so the progress value should be [0..100], but it is out of range (see logs below)

    private suspend fun ImageResource.parseFile(callback: (Int) -> (Unit)): ParseFile = parseFile(uri, mimeType, callback)

    private suspend fun VideoResource.parseFile(callback: (Int) -> (Unit)): ParseFile = parseFile(uri, mimeType, callback)

    private suspend fun parseFile(uri: Uri, mimeType: MimeType, callback: (Int) -> (Unit)): ParseFile {
        val file = context.getAsFile(uri, mimeType)
        Timber.w("[INV] MediaRepository:parseFile:291 - FILE SIZE: ${file.length()} bytes")
        val parseFile = ParseFile(file, mimeType.type)
        return parseFile

The suspendSave extension is pretty much the same that ParseSDK-ktx uses but with a callback

suspend fun ParseFile.suspendSave(callback: (suspend (Int) -> (Unit))) {
    return suspendCoroutine { continuation ->
            if (it == null) {
                Timber.i("[INV] ParseFile:suspendSave:35 - file saved ${this.file}")
            } else continuation.resumeWithException(it)
        }) { runBlocking { callback(it) } }

Pretty sure that callbacks are not the best option for the coroutine suspend functions, but I believe that is has no effect on this issue.

    suspend fun removeVideo(videoId: String) {
        val video = getVideo(videoId)

suspend fun ParseObject.suspendDelete() {
    return suspendCoroutine { continuation ->
        deleteInBackground {
            if (it == null) continuation.resume(Unit)
            else continuation.resumeWithException(it)

Steps to reproduce

Create ParseFile and save it with a progress callback, put the saved file into a new ParseObject, and save the object. It isn't reproducing on the object that doesn't have nested ParseObjects inside like Image and mostly with files larger than 20MB. It isn't reproducing with a 100% chance, once it can happen when uploading is the first action user does and in another case (more frequently) when a user removes the video object before uploading (references, file paths of a new and an old object are different).

Actual Outcome

ParseFile uploads several times.

Expected Outcome

ParseFile uploads once, calling save() on an object doesn't trigger uploading files again.


AGP: 7.2.1 kotlin: 1.7.10 coroutines: 1.6.3

Parse Android SDK




total progress output:

D: [INV] NoteViewModel:onVideoAdded:631 - video progress: 1567773
D: [INV] NoteViewModel:onVideoAdded:631 - video progress: 1567822
D: [INV] NoteViewModel:onVideoAdded:631 - video progress: 1567872
D: [INV] NoteViewModel:onVideoAdded:631 - video progress: 1567921
D: [INV] NoteViewModel:onVideoAdded:631 - video progress: 1567971
D: [INV] NoteViewModel:onVideoAdded:631 - video progress: 1568020
D: [INV] NoteViewModel:onVideoAdded:631 - video progress: 1568070
D: [INV] NoteViewModel:onVideoAdded:631 - video progress: 1568119
D: [INV] NoteViewModel:onVideoAdded:631 - video progress: 1568169
D: [INV] NoteViewModel:onVideoAdded:631 - video progress: 1568219

Files uploading log:

08-11 20:44:01.349 17817 17892 W MediaRepository: [INV] MediaRepository:parseFile:291 - FILE SIZE: 336288 bytes
08-11 20:44:01.353 17817 17817 V MediaRepository$createVideo$previewFile: [INV] MediaRepository:createVideo:234 - PREVIEW PROGRESS 1
08-11 20:44:01.368 17817 17817 V MediaRepository$createVideo$previewFile: [INV] MediaRepository:createVideo:234 - PREVIEW PROGRESS 100
08-11 20:44:02.760 17817 17817 I ParseObjectExtensionsKt$suspendSave: [INV] ParseFile:suspendSave:35 - file saved /data/user/0/com.awesome.beta/cache/com.parse/files/09fde51bf74480e2545c8cc43f804449_ed11cf82-8df8-4f80-910e-18b4f182fcf6.png
08-11 20:44:02.760 17817 17892 D MediaRepository: [INV] MediaRepository:createVideo:237 - Preview uploaded
08-11 20:44:02.956 17817 17892 W MediaRepository: [INV] MediaRepository:parseFile:291 - FILE SIZE: 86386876 bytes
08-11 20:44:02.960 17817 17817 V MediaRepository$createVideo$videoFile: [INV] MediaRepository:createVideo:239 - VIDEO PROGRESS 0
08-11 20:44:24.729 17817 17817 V MediaRepository$createVideo$videoFile: [INV] MediaRepository:createVideo:239 - VIDEO PROGRESS 100

// Problem begins here, it starts uploading file one more time
08-11 20:44:36.955 17817 17817 V MediaRepository$createVideo$videoFile: [INV] MediaRepository:createVideo:239 - VIDEO PROGRESS 0
08-11 20:44:50.728 17817 17817 V MediaRepository$createVideo$videoFile: [INV] MediaRepository:createVideo:239 - VIDEO PROGRESS 100
08-11 20:45:04.050 17817 17817 V MediaRepository$createVideo$videoFile: [INV] MediaRepository:createVideo:239 - VIDEO PROGRESS 0
08-11 20:45:32.422 17817 17817 V MediaRepository$createVideo$videoFile: [INV] MediaRepository:createVideo:239 - VIDEO PROGRESS 100
08-11 20:45:42.383 17817 17817 I ParseObjectExtensionsKt$suspendSave: [INV] ParseFile:suspendSave:35 - file saved /data/user/0/com.awesome.beta/cache/com.parse/files/c85623fa132bbeb6aee73d450f8fd980_8b324a8e-4e94-47e0-8144-56b8a5b9a249.mp4
08-11 20:45:42.383 17817 17892 D MediaRepository: [INV] MediaRepository:createVideo:244 - Video Uploaded
08-11 20:45:42.384 17817 17892 D MediaRepository: [INV] MediaRepository:createVideo:247 - Video object created
08-11 20:45:42.384 17817 17892 D MediaRepository: [INV] MediaRepository:createVideo:251 - image object created
08-11 20:45:42.384 17817 17892 D MediaRepository: [INV] MediaRepository:createVideo:253 - Image object linked
08-11 20:45:42.384 17817 17892 D MediaRepository: [INV] MediaRepository:createVideo:254 - Video file linked
08-11 20:45:42.724 17817 17892 D MediaRepository: [INV] MediaRepository:createVideo:257 - Video object saved
parse-github-assistant[bot] commented 1 year ago

Thanks for opening this issue!

alexandersokol commented 1 year ago

UPD: Add some logs to the parse client and found out that I'm receiving socketTimeout Exception exactly at the moment when file uploading progress reaches 100%.

adding huge write timeout has no effect

val client = OkHttpClient.Builder()
            .writeTimeout(5, TimeUnit.MINUTES)
08-11 22:27:36.678 23442 24003 E PARSE   : timeout
08-11 22:27:36.678 23442 24003 E PARSE   :  at okio.SocketAsyncTimeout.newTimeoutException(JvmOkio.kt:143)
08-11 22:27:36.678 23442 24003 E PARSE   :  at okio.AsyncTimeout.access$newTimeoutException(AsyncTimeout.kt:162)
08-11 22:27:36.678 23442 24003 E PARSE   :  at okio.AsyncTimeout$source$
08-11 22:27:36.678 23442 24003 E PARSE   :  at okio.RealBufferedSource.indexOf(RealBufferedSource.kt:427)
08-11 22:27:36.678 23442 24003 E PARSE   :  at okio.RealBufferedSource.readUtf8LineStrict(RealBufferedSource.kt:320)
08-11 22:27:36.678 23442 24003 E PARSE   :  at okhttp3.internal.http1.HeadersReader.readLine(HeadersReader.kt:29)
08-11 22:27:36.678 23442 24003 E PARSE   :  at okhttp3.internal.http1.Http1ExchangeCodec.readResponseHeaders(Http1ExchangeCodec.kt:178)
08-11 22:27:36.678 23442 24003 E PARSE   :  at okhttp3.internal.connection.Exchange.readResponseHeaders(Exchange.kt:106)
08-11 22:27:36.678 23442 24003 E PARSE   :  at okhttp3.internal.http.CallServerInterceptor.intercept(CallServerInterceptor.kt:79)
08-11 22:27:36.678 23442 24003 E PARSE   :  at okhttp3.internal.http.RealInterceptorChain.proceed(RealInterceptorChain.kt:109)
08-11 22:27:36.678 23442 24003 E PARSE   :  at okhttp3.internal.connection.ConnectInterceptor.intercept(ConnectInterceptor.kt:34)
08-11 22:27:36.678 23442 24003 E PARSE   :  at okhttp3.internal.http.RealInterceptorChain.proceed(RealInterceptorChain.kt:109)
08-11 22:27:36.678 23442 24003 E PARSE   :  at okhttp3.internal.cache.CacheInterceptor.intercept(CacheInterceptor.kt:95)
08-11 22:27:36.678 23442 24003 E PARSE   :  at okhttp3.internal.http.RealInterceptorChain.proceed(RealInterceptorChain.kt:109)
08-11 22:27:36.678 23442 24003 E PARSE   :  at okhttp3.internal.http.BridgeInterceptor.intercept(BridgeInterceptor.kt:83)
08-11 22:27:36.678 23442 24003 E PARSE   :  at okhttp3.internal.http.RealInterceptorChain.proceed(RealInterceptorChain.kt:109)
08-11 22:27:36.678 23442 24003 E PARSE   :  at okhttp3.internal.http.RetryAndFollowUpInterceptor.intercept(RetryAndFollowUpInterceptor.kt:76)
08-11 22:27:36.678 23442 24003 E PARSE   :  at okhttp3.internal.http.RealInterceptorChain.proceed(RealInterceptorChain.kt:109)
08-11 22:27:36.678 23442 24003 E PARSE   :  at com.parse.ParsePlugins.lambda$restClient$0$com-parse-ParsePlugins(
08-11 22:27:36.678 23442 24003 E PARSE   :  at com.parse.ParsePlugins$$ExternalSyntheticLambda0.intercept(Unknown Source:2)
08-11 22:27:36.678 23442 24003 E PARSE   :  at okhttp3.internal.http.RealInterceptorChain.proceed(RealInterceptorChain.kt:109)
08-11 22:27:36.678 23442 24003 E PARSE   :  at okhttp3.internal.connection.RealCall.getResponseWithInterceptorChain$okhttp(RealCall.kt:201)
08-11 22:27:36.678 23442 24003 E PARSE   :  at okhttp3.internal.connection.RealCall.execute(RealCall.kt:154)
08-11 22:27:36.678 23442 24003 E PARSE   :  at com.parse.ParseHttpClient.executeInternal(
08-11 22:27:36.678 23442 24003 E PARSE   :  at com.parse.ParseHttpClient.execute(
08-11 22:27:36.678 23442 24003 E PARSE   :  at com.parse.ParseRequest.lambda$sendOneRequestAsync$0$com-parse-ParseRequest(
08-11 22:27:36.678 23442 24003 E PARSE   :  at com.parse.ParseRequest$$ExternalSyntheticLambda1.then(Unknown Source:8)
08-11 22:27:36.678 23442 24003 E PARSE   :  at com.parse.boltsinternal.Task.lambda$completeAfterTask$9(
08-11 22:27:36.678 23442 24003 E PARSE   :  at com.parse.boltsinternal.Task$$ Source:8)
08-11 22:27:36.678 23442 24003 E PARSE   :  at com.parse.boltsinternal.BoltsExecutors$ImmediateExecutor.execute(
08-11 22:27:36.678 23442 24003 E PARSE   :  at com.parse.boltsinternal.Task.completeAfterTask(
08-11 22:27:36.678 23442 24003 E PARSE   :  at com.parse.boltsinternal.Task.continueWithTask(
08-11 22:27:36.678 23442 24003 E PARSE   :  at com.parse.boltsinternal.Task.continueWithTask(
08-11 22:27:36.678 23442 24003 E PARSE   :  at com.parse.boltsinternal.Task.lambda$onSuccessTask$15(
08-11 22:27:36.678 23442 24003 E PARSE   :  at com.parse.boltsinternal.Task$$ExternalSyntheticLambda7.then(Unknown Source:4)
08-11 22:27:36.678 23442 24003 E PARSE   :  at com.parse.boltsinternal.Task.lambda$completeAfterTask$9(
08-11 22:27:36.678 23442 24003 E PARSE   :  at com.parse.boltsinternal.Task$$ Source:8)
08-11 22:27:36.678 23442 24003 E PARSE   :  at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
08-11 22:27:36.678 23442 24003 E PARSE   :  at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
08-11 22:27:36.678 23442 24003 E PARSE   :  at
08-11 22:27:36.678 23442 24003 E PARSE   : Caused by: Socket closed
08-11 22:27:36.678 23442 24003 E PARSE   :  at
08-11 22:27:36.678 23442 24003 E PARSE   :  at
08-11 22:27:36.678 23442 24003 E PARSE   :  at$SSLInputStream.readFromSocket(
08-11 22:27:36.678 23442 24003 E PARSE   :  at$SSLInputStream.processDataFromSocket(
08-11 22:27:36.678 23442 24003 E PARSE   :  at$SSLInputStream.readUntilDataAvailable(
08-11 22:27:36.678 23442 24003 E PARSE   :  at$
08-11 22:27:36.678 23442 24003 E PARSE   :  at
08-11 22:27:36.678 23442 24003 E PARSE   :  at okio.AsyncTimeout$source$
08-11 22:27:36.678 23442 24003 E PARSE   :  ... 37 more