parse-community / Parse-SDK-Flutter

The Dart/Flutter SDK for Parse Platform
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Custom Objects: Problems with Queries, non-primitive fields (Pointers, Relation, File, GeoPoint) #128

Closed danibjor closed 5 years ago

danibjor commented 5 years ago

Tested on v1.0.16 branch.

Seems to be issues with non primitive fields.

ParseFile is missing values on properties file, name and url (value is null). But if you inspect the object, both name and url are in the _objectData Map.

Sub classing ParseObject gives Type Conversion Exceptions on non primitive fields.


Skjermbilde 2019-03-18 kl  11 51 03

This is result from QueryBuilder<Store> on Store Table. Result is List<ParseObject>, runtime shows List<Store> List<Store> stores = response.result; // throws exception: _TypeError (type List<ParseObject> is not a subtype of type List<Store>) List<Store> stores = (response.result as List<ParseObject>).cast<Store>(); // works - but hacky is Pointer to City class/table: City get city => get<City>('city')

Skjermbilde 2019-03-18 kl  11 48 41

Store table: Skjermbilde 2019-03-18 kl  11 21 14

myParseObject.get<ParseObject>('customers') returns single object - should return List<>

Complete test example (file new flutter project, add dependency to sdk 1.0.16):

config.dart: (pm me to get access to the test site - don't want spambots to fill the database)

class Config {
  static const String keyApplicationId = '';
  static const String keyParseServerUrl = '';


import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:parse_server_sdk/parse_server_sdk.dart';

import 'config.dart';

void main() {
  Parse().initialize(Config.keyApplicationId, Config.keyParseServerUrl, debug: true);

class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return MaterialApp(
      title: 'Flutter Parse SDK',
      theme: ThemeData(
      home: MyHomePage(title: 'Flutter Parse SDK'),

class MyHomePage extends StatefulWidget {
  MyHomePage({Key key, this.title}) : super(key: key);

  final String title;

  _MyHomePageState createState() => _MyHomePageState();

class _MyHomePageState extends State<MyHomePage> {
  int _counter = 0;
  bool _loading = false;

  List<Store> _stores;
  // List<ParseObject> _stores; 

  void _fetchData() async {
    setState(() {
      _loading = true;

    var queryBuilder = QueryBuilder<Store>(Store());
    // queryBuilder.whereGreaterThan('openedAt', -30)));
    // queryBuilder.whereGreaterThan('createdAt', -2, minutes: -50)));
    queryBuilder.includeObject(['city', 'manager', 'customers']);

    var response = await queryBuilder.query();

    setState(() {
      _loading = false;      
      _stores = null;

      // Hack: without cast, we get an exception, even tough runtime type of .result is correct.
      // Exception has occurred.
      // _TypeError (type 'List<ParseObject>' is not a subtype of type 'List<Store>')
      if (response.success && response.result != null) {
        _stores = (response.result as List<ParseObject>).cast<Store>();

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Scaffold(
      appBar: AppBar(
        title: Text(widget.title),
      body: _mainContent(),
      floatingActionButton: FloatingActionButton(
        onPressed: _fetchData,
        tooltip: 'Refresh',
        child: Icon(Icons.refresh),

  Widget _mainContent() {
    if (_loading == true) {
      return Center(
        child: Column(
          children: [
            Padding(padding: EdgeInsets.only(bottom: 20.0), child: Text('Loading data')),

    // no items
    if (_stores == null || _stores.length == 0) {
      return Center(
        child: Column(
          children: [
            Text('There is no data'),

    // render data
    return ListView.builder(
      itemCount: _stores?.length,
      itemBuilder: (BuildContext context, int index) {
        Store store = _stores[index];

        // The following assertion was thrown building:
        // type 'ParseUser' is not a subtype of type 'List<ParseUser>'
        // if you inspect store._objectData, customers is of type ParseUser, should be List<ParseUser> (in this example where relation is to User table)
        // var allCustomers = store.customers.toString();
        // var allCustomers = store.customers;

        // photo is type ParseFile
        // photo._objectData => Map(name, url)
        // photo.file photo.url is null
        // var photo =;

        // city is Pointer to City table
        // The following assertion was thrown building:
        // type 'ParseObject' is not a subtype of type 'City'
        // var city =;

        return ListTile(
          title: Text('${}'),
          // manager is of type ParseUser - seems to work with built-in types
          // name is an extra field on that table
          subtitle: Text(store.manager.get<String>('name')), 

class Store extends ParseObject implements ParseCloneable {

  Store() : super(_keyTableName);
  Store.clone(): this();

  @override clone(Map map) => Store.clone()..fromJson(map);

  static const String _keyTableName = 'Store';
  static const String keyName = 'name';
  static const String keyManager = 'manager';
  static const String keyCustomers = 'customers';
  static const String keyOpenedAt = 'openedAt';
  static const String keyPhoto = 'photo';
  static const String keyCity = 'city';
  static const String keyLocation = 'location';

  String get name => get<String>(keyName);
  set name(String name) => set<String>(keyName, name);

  ParseUser get manager => get<ParseUser>(keyManager);
  set manager(ParseUser manager) => set<ParseUser>(keyManager, manager);

  List<ParseUser> get customers => get<List<ParseUser>>(keyCustomers);
  set customers(List<ParseUser> customers) => set<List<ParseUser>>(keyCustomers, customers);

  DateTime get openedAt => get<DateTime>(keyOpenedAt);
  set openedAt(DateTime openedAt) => set<DateTime>(keyOpenedAt, openedAt);

  ParseFile get photo => get<ParseFile>(keyPhoto);
  set photo(ParseFile photo) => set<ParseFile>(keyPhoto, photo);

  // The following assertion was thrown building:
  // type 'ParseObject' is not a subtype of type 'City'
  // customers field in database is Relation<User>, this Store has one customer in relation table - this should return a List<User> not User
  City get city => get<City>(keyCity);
  set city(City city) => set<City>(keyCity, city);

  ParseGeoPoint get location => get<ParseGeoPoint>(keyLocation);
  set location(ParseGeoPoint location) => set<ParseGeoPoint>(keyLocation, location);

class City extends ParseObject implements ParseCloneable {

  City() : super(_keyTableName);
  City.clone(): this();

  @override clone(Map map) => City.clone()..fromJson(map);

  static const String _keyTableName = 'City';
  static const String keyName = 'Name';
  static const String keyPhoto = 'photo';
  static const String keyLocation = 'location';

  String get name => get<String>(keyName);
  set name(String name) => set<String>(keyName, name);

  ParseFile get photo => get<ParseFile>(keyPhoto);
  set photo(ParseFile photo) => set<ParseFile>(keyPhoto, photo);

  ParseGeoPoint get location => get<ParseGeoPoint>(keyLocation);
  set location(ParseGeoPoint location) => set<ParseGeoPoint>(keyLocation, location);
phillwiggins commented 5 years ago

Sorry, just reading slowly through this.

Subtyping ParseObjects and referencing them in another subtype of ParseObject requires something along the lines of this to be correctly deserialised.

  UserFood fromJson(Map objectData) {
    user = User.clone().fromJson(objectData[keyOwner]);
    food = Food.clone().fromJson(objectData[keyFoodItem]);
    meal = Meal.clone().fromJson(objectData[keyMeal]);
    return this;
RodrigoSMarques commented 5 years ago

Hi @danibjor This latest version really "broke" some things that were working.

Try use my Fork:

      ref: bugfix-parsequery-parsefile-parseuser-parseencoder
RodrigoSMarques commented 5 years ago

My code that was working and work in my Fork

import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:http/http.dart' as http;
import 'package:path_provider/path_provider.dart';

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:parse_server_sdk/parse_server_sdk.dart';

Future<File> _downloadFile(String url, String filename) async {
  http.Client _client = new http.Client();
  var req = await _client.get(Uri.parse(url));
  var bytes = req.bodyBytes;
  String dir = (await getApplicationDocumentsDirectory()).path;
  File file = new File('$dir/$filename');
  await file.writeAsBytes(bytes);
  return file;

void main() async {
      clientKey: "ggD2i3GejX3SIxpDgSbKHHV8uHUUP3QGiPPTlmPK",
      autoSendSessionId: true,
      debug: true,
      liveQueryUrl: "xxxxxxx");

  final localUser = await ParseUser.currentUser();

  final user = ParseUser(
      "user", "password", "");
  var response = await user.login();

  if (response.success) {
    print("Login sucess");
  } else {
    print("Login error");

  var point =
      ParseGeoPoint(debug: true, latitude: -20.2523818, longitude: -40.2665611);
  var point2 =
      ParseGeoPoint(debug: true, latitude: -19.2523818, longitude: -41.2665611);

  QueryBuilder<ParseUser> queryBuilder = QueryBuilder<ParseUser>(
    ..whereGreaterThan("runCount", 1)
    ..whereLessThan("runCount", 1000)
    ..whereEqualTo("tipo", "D")
    ..whereNear("localizacao", point)
    //..whereEqualTo("usuario", user)
    ..whereGreaterThan("createdAt", 60)))
  //..whereStartsWith("cidade", "Vit");
  //..whereContains("keywords", "leite");
  //..whereGreaterThan("tipo", "A")
  //..whereGreaterThan("runCount", 0);
  //..whereWithinMiles("localizacao", point, 5);
  //..whereWithinKilometers("localizacao", point, 50);
  //..whereWithinRadians("localizacao", point, 1);
  //..whereWithinGeoBox("localizacao", point, point2);
  var apiResponse = await queryBuilder.query();

  if (apiResponse.success && apiResponse.result != null) {
        "Result: ${((apiResponse.result as List<dynamic>).first as ParseObject).toString()}");
  } else {
    print("Result: ${apiResponse.error.message}");
  final listUsers = await apiResponse.result;

  if (listUsers != null) {
    print(listUsers.length); //print(listUsers[0].toString());

  var file = await _downloadFile(
  var parseFile = ParseFile(file, name: "image.png", debug: true);
  //var parseFile = ParseFile(null, url: "", name: "image.png", debug: true);
  var fileResponse = await;

  if (fileResponse.success) {}


  var parseObject = ParseObject("TestAPI", debug: true);
  parseObject.set<String>("stringName", "Name");
  parseObject.set<double>("doubleNumber", 1.5);
  parseObject.set<int>("intNumber", 0);
  parseObject.set<bool>("boolFound", true);
  parseObject.set<List<String>>("listString", ["a", "b", "c", "d"]);
  parseObject.set<List<int>>("listNumber", [0, 1]);
  parseObject.set<Map<String, dynamic>>(
      "jsonTest", {"field1": "value1", "field2": "value2"});
  parseObject.setIncrement("intNumber2", 2);
  parseObject.setDecrement("intNumber3", 2);
      "location", ParseGeoPoint(latitude: -20.2523818, longitude: -40.2665611));
  parseObject.set<ParseUser>("user", user);
  parseObject.set<List<ParseUser>>("users", [user, user]);
  parseObject.set<ParseFile>("fileImage", parseFile);
  parseObject.set<List<ParseFile>>("fileImages", [parseFile, parseFile]);

  apiResponse = await;

  if (apiResponse.success) {
    print("Objeto JSON: " + (apiResponse.result as ParseObject).toString());
  } else {
    print("Error: " + apiResponse.error.toString());

  parseObject.setRemove("listString", ["a"]);
  apiResponse = await;

  if (apiResponse.success) {
    print("Objeto JSON: " + (apiResponse.result as ParseObject).toString());

    parseObject.objectId = (apiResponse.result as ParseObject).objectId;
  } else {
    print("Error: " + apiResponse.error.toString());

  parseObject.setRemoveAll("listString", ["b", "c"]);
  apiResponse = await;

  if (apiResponse.success) {
    print("Objeto JSON: " + (apiResponse.result as ParseObject).toString());

    parseObject.objectId = (apiResponse.result as ParseObject).objectId;
  } else {
    print("Error: " + apiResponse.error.toString());

  parseObject.setAdd("listString", ["a"]);
  apiResponse = await;

  if (apiResponse.success) {
    print("Objeto JSON: " + (apiResponse.result as ParseObject).toString());

    parseObject.objectId = (apiResponse.result as ParseObject).objectId;
  } else {
    print("Error: " + apiResponse.error.toString());

  parseObject.setAddAll("listString", ["b", "c"]);
  apiResponse = await;

  if (apiResponse.success) {
    print("Objeto JSON: " + (apiResponse.result as ParseObject).toString());

    parseObject.objectId = (apiResponse.result as ParseObject).objectId;
  } else {
    print("Error: " + apiResponse.error.toString());

  parseObject.setAddUnique("listString", ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e"]);
  apiResponse = await;

  if (apiResponse.success) {
    print("Objeto JSON: " + (apiResponse.result as ParseObject).toString());

    parseObject.objectId = (apiResponse.result as ParseObject).objectId;
  } else {
    print("Error: " + apiResponse.error.toString());

  var instalattion = await ParseInstallation.currentInstallation();
  instalattion.deviceToken = "xyz";
  instalattion.set<ParseUser>("usuario", user);
  apiResponse = await;

  if (apiResponse.success && apiResponse.result != null) {
    print("Result: ${((apiResponse.result) as ParseObject).toString()}");
  } else {
    print("Result: ${apiResponse.error.message}");
  apiResponse = await;

  var listChannels = await instalattion.getSubscribedChannels();

  var apiResponseUser = await ParseObject('_User').getObject('b72MScHoSj');

  if (apiResponse.success) {
    var usuario = apiResponseUser.result as ParseObject;

    if (usuario != null) {
      var queryBuilder2 = QueryBuilder<ParseObject>(ParseObject('Produto'))
        ..whereEqualTo("owner", usuario.toPointer());

      var apiResponse2 = await queryBuilder2.query();

      if (apiResponse2.success && apiResponse2.result != null) {
            "Result: ${((apiResponse2.result as List<dynamic>).first as ParseObject).toString()}");
      } else {
        print("Result: ${apiResponse2.error.message}");

      var usuarioPion = await usuario.fromPin(usuario.objectId);

  if (user != null) {
    await user.logout(deleteLocalUserData: false);
phillwiggins commented 5 years ago

So to confirm, ParseFile and subtyping ParseObjects seems to not work?

RodrigoSMarques commented 5 years ago

Yes, not working. Stopped.

On my Fork you do not have your latest release and I have everything working.

phillwiggins commented 5 years ago

Well pull the latest commits first.

I have unit tests my end with everything working. Nothing major has changed in ParseFile.

danibjor commented 5 years ago

@phillwiggins your example of overriding fromJson seems to do the trick on pointers. Thanks. @rodrigosmarques your repo / branch seems to fix most of the issues.

Still to go: Database columns of type Relation<OtherTable> is now null - was first object in list on 1.0.16 branch. Should be List<SomeType>.

phillwiggins commented 5 years ago

@rodrigosmarques correct your merge requests and create a new pull request. It doesn't look like a lot of the merge you created was actually added.

@danibjor In all honesty I've not had chance to look at relations, although look at the line:- myParseObject.get<ParseObject>('customers')

, this wouldn't work as you are referencing a ParseObject rather than a List. Something like:- myParseObject.get<List<Customer>>('customers') might work better.

danibjor commented 5 years ago

@phillwiggins myObject._objectData['relationColumn'] is null in the "working" repo/branch @rodrigosmarques asked me to test. Pointers works on that branch.

Might be relational stuff in general. Have to dig deeper.

phillwiggins commented 5 years ago

Okay cool.

Looks like the merge request has caused a few issues. @rodrigosmarques update your current project and create a null PR. Should all be working then.

phillwiggins commented 5 years ago

After further review it looks like Relation in general is not working...

So on tests made using Rodrigo's branch, it's just ParseFile that needs taking from that fix and adding to 1.0.16 or was there anything else that needs taking from that branch?

On Mon, Mar 18, 2019, 13:37 Daniel Bjørnbakk wrote:

@phillwiggins myObject._objectData['relationColumn'] is null in the "working" repo/branch @rodrigosmarques asked me to test. Pointers works on that branch.

Might be relational stuff in general. Have to dig deeper.

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On Mon, Mar 18, 2019, 13:37 Daniel Bjørnbakk wrote:

@phillwiggins myObject._objectData['relationColumn'] is null in the "working" repo/branch @rodrigosmarques asked me to test. Pointers works on that branch.

Might be relational stuff in general. Have to dig deeper.

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RodrigoSMarques commented 5 years ago

@phillwiggins ParseFile its working for me. Upload, Download e get in my Fork

phillwiggins commented 5 years ago

Your fork is heavily outdated. It wasn't up to date when your PR was put through, hence why merge conflicts and the merge process have broke it.

On Mon, Mar 18, 2019, 15:02 Rodrigo de Souza Marques <> wrote:

@phillwiggins ParseFile its working for me. Upload, Download e get in my Fork

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phillwiggins commented 5 years ago

I've made some corrections on ParseFile. Does this now fix the problem?

RodrigoSMarques commented 5 years ago

Let's do this. I will update my fork with your changes and I make bugfix than find error.

As my example app, it performs tests of all operations I can identify the problem.

phillwiggins commented 5 years ago

Perfect, if you could that would be great.

On Mon, 18 Mar 2019 at 17:33, Rodrigo de Souza Marques <> wrote:

Let's do this. I will update my fork with your changes and I make bugfix than find error.

As my example app, it performs tests of all operations I can identify the problem.

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-- Kind Regards

Phill Wiggins

RodrigoSMarques commented 5 years ago


I created the PR #131 with code changes that went back to working on my test project.

ParseFie = upload, download, retrieve ParseGeopoint = save, retrieve ParseQuery = Pointer, DateTime, String ParseInstallation = Save, retrieve

Favor avaliar.

phillwiggins commented 5 years ago

I appreciate your efforts Rodrigo but again, please work from the latest branch. The PR is for master so there will be many merge conflicts, and please can you remove all redundant code. There only 2 minor changes out of the entire PR. The rest is mostly already done or unnecessary code.

On Tue, Mar 19, 2019, 04:41 Rodrigo de Souza Marques <> wrote:


I created the PR #131 with code changes that went back to working on my test project.

ParseFie = upload, download, retrieve ParseGeopoint = save, retrieve ParseQuery = Pointer, DateTime, String ParseInstallation = Save, retrieve

Favor avaliar.

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RodrigoSMarques commented 5 years ago

@phillwiggins Yesterday, I deleted the fork that existed and created another one from its code that was available. This was yesterday at 19:55 (GMT).

I do not know what I might have done wrong.

phillwiggins commented 5 years ago

Did you pull branch from master rather than the branch labelled v1.0.16.

It's not a big issue, it just can cause conflicts like it did last time around

On Tue, Mar 19, 2019, 12:22 Rodrigo de Souza Marques <> wrote:

@phillwiggins Yesterday, I deleted the fork that existed and created another one from its code that was available. This was yesterday at 19:55 (GMT).

I do not know what I might have done wrong.

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RodrigoSMarques commented 5 years ago

OK. I'll make a PR of your code for the fork and handle the changes.

Please do not close my PR for now. As it has a history of the changes made and you may have to redo after the merge of the code.

phillwiggins commented 5 years ago

That's fine.

Again, thank you for your help.

On Tue, Mar 19, 2019, 12:36 Rodrigo de Souza Marques <> wrote:

OK. I'll make a PR of your code for the fork and handle the changes.

Please do not close my PR for now. As it has a history of the changes made and you may have to redo after the merge of the code.

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RodrigoSMarques commented 5 years ago

Created new PR #132

RodrigoSMarques commented 5 years ago


Can you do a test using my Fork to make sure it's working?

The master is updated with the changes.


    sdk: flutter
    git: git://
danibjor commented 5 years ago

@rodrigosmarques have done some tests that failed previously:

Stuff on objects that broke, tested:

object.relation don't work - but was expected as it's not (fully?) implemented.

@phillwiggins @rodrigosmarques: I think we should have a go at this one.

Edit: Also ok object.pointerObject.geoPoint object.pointerObject.file object.pointerObject.someProp

RodrigoSMarques commented 5 years ago

@danibjor Thank you for your feedback.

Can you tell me more about object.relation.

This would be:

InQuery and notInQuery operators?

I'm starting to study the implementation because I also need them in my application.

@phillwiggins How do I join Slack?

Do you intend to implement new features? I ask you not to duplicate things.

I intend to simplify the use of ACLs, complete other queries with Geopoint e Relational Queries

danibjor commented 5 years ago

@rodrigosmarques my bad - not constraining queries on column of type Relation<SomeClass> but rather accessing such a property on an object returned from the server. Right now, you get a single object, but the property should be of type List<SomeClass>

@phillwiggins ditto on Slack.

phillwiggins commented 5 years ago

Hey Rodrigo

Send me your email address to

I don't have any current plans really. I'm happy for you to work on them.

On Tue, Mar 19, 2019, 15:07 Rodrigo de Souza Marques <> wrote:

@danibjor Thank you for your feedback.

Can you tell me more about object.relation.

This would be:

InQuery operators and notInQuery?

I'm starting to study the implementation because I also need them in my application.

@phillwiggins How do I join Slack?

Do you intend to implement new features? I ask you not to duplicate things.

I intend to simplify the use of ACLs, complete other queries with Geopoint e Relational Queries

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RodrigoSMarques commented 5 years ago

@danibjor I did not understand.

Can you give me an example with native code (ios / Android) or indicate this in the documentation?

I have not worked with ParseRelation and I do not know how it works

danibjor commented 5 years ago

Where pointers are one-to-one relations, Relation is one-to-many. Or collection of pointers you may say.



  1. mar. 2019 kl. 18:20 skrev Rodrigo de Souza Marques

@danibjor I did not understand.

Can you give me an example with native code (ios / Android) or indicate this in the documentation?

I have not worked with ParseRelation and I do not know how it works

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RodrigoSMarques commented 5 years ago

@danibjor, Okay, I got it, thank you. I'm going to study the implementation

RodrigoSMarques commented 5 years ago

@phillwiggins when releasing the new version, many of the open issues could be closed.

RodrigoSMarques commented 5 years ago

@phillwiggins this issue can be closed.

Resolved in the last release.

@danibjor I am working on the Relational Query code. The In Query and Not In Query operators are ready. I'm studying the implementation you indicated.