Adopted from the Files playground. Instead of the ParseFile profilePicture property I created a property that links to a PFPhoto object with nested ParseFiles:
struct GameScore: ParseObject {
var objectId: String?
var createdAt: Date?
var updatedAt: Date?
var ACL: ParseACL?
var originalData: Data?
//: Your own properties.
var points: Int? = 0
var photo: PFPhoto?
struct PFPhoto: ParseObject {
//: These are required by ParseObject
var objectId: String?
var createdAt: Date?
var updatedAt: Date?
var ACL: ParseACL?
var originalData: Data?
//: Your own properties.
var photo: ParseFile?
var thumbnail: ParseFile?
var location: ParseGeoPoint?
I then save a Score that contains the PFPhoto:
var score = GameScore(points: 52)
//: Set the link online for the file.
let linkToFile = URL(string: "")!
//: Create a new `ParseFile` for your picture.
//: Set the picture as part of your ParseObject
let photoFile = ParseFile(name: "profile.svg", cloudURL: linkToFile)
let thumbnailFile = ParseFile(name: "profile.svg", cloudURL: linkToFile)
var pfPhoto = PFPhoto()
var photoACL = ParseACL()
photoACL.publicRead = true
photoACL.publicWrite = false
photoACL.setWriteAccess(user: User.current!, value: true)
pfPhoto.ACL = photoACL = photoFile
pfPhoto.thumbnail = thumbnailFile = pfPhoto
do {
try await
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Issue Description
Deep save of ParseFile creates invalid file.
Steps to reproduce
Adopted from the Files playground. Instead of the ParseFile profilePicture property I created a property that links to a PFPhoto object with nested ParseFiles:
I then save a Score that contains the PFPhoto:
Actual Outcome
When I save a score object, the PFPhoto object is saved but the ParseFiles link to invalid data-
Expected Outcome
The PFPhoto object should contain two valid image files.