ParseSwift uses PFObject instances for basically everything. All subclasses of PFObject are represented in MongoDB/PostgreSQL as collections/tables with given names. Mapping of the PFObject subclasses and their names in MongoDB/PostreSQL need to be known to Parse SDK so that PFObject subclasses can be loaded/stored properly to the database.
Prior to Xcode 16, there was no need to manually register any classes explicitly subclass PFSubclassing. After upgrading, the following error occurs when running the application:
Thread 1: "The class My_App.MyParseSubclass must be registered with registerSubclass before using Parse."
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Issue Description
ParseSwift uses PFObject instances for basically everything. All subclasses of PFObject are represented in MongoDB/PostgreSQL as collections/tables with given names. Mapping of the PFObject subclasses and their names in MongoDB/PostreSQL need to be known to Parse SDK so that PFObject subclasses can be loaded/stored properly to the database.
Prior to Xcode 16, there was no need to manually register any classes explicitly subclass PFSubclassing. After upgrading, the following error occurs when running the application:
Thread 1: "The class My_App.MyParseSubclass must be registered with registerSubclass before using Parse."
Here is a link to a similar issue the Parse-SDK-iOS-OSX project:
Steps to reproduce
Build and run an application with subclasses of PFSublassing using Xcode 16.
Actual Outcome
Thread 1: "The class My_App.MyParseSubclass must be registered with registerSubclass before using Parse."
Manually register each object subclassing PFSubclassing directly after Parse Swift initialization:
Expected Outcome
App functioning properly without any subclassing errors.