parse-community / ParseFacebookUtils-Android

A utility library to authenticate ParseUsers with the Facebook SDK
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AccessToken.permissions emptied #9

Closed homburg closed 8 years ago

homburg commented 8 years ago


I'm having an issue with verifying the permissions after doing a ParseFacebookUtils.logInWithReadPermissionsInBackground. I think it's relevant to this issue:

Is this issue being worked on? Otherwise I'd love to contribute a PR

grantland commented 8 years ago

The original issue was permissions being cleared on next app launch, not right after ParseFacebookUtils.logInWithReadPermissionsInBackground and was fixed in the latest release.

I just tested AccessToken.getCurrentAcecssToken right after ParseFacebookUtils.logInWithReadPermissionsInBackgroundand it contains the correct permissions, could you describe your issue more in depth?

parse-github-bot commented 8 years ago

Thank you for your feedback. We prioritize issues that have clear and concise repro steps. Please see our Bug Reporting Guidelines about what information should be added to this issue.

Please try the latest SDK. Our release notes have details about what issues were fixed in each release.

In addition, you might find the following resources helpful:

homburg commented 8 years ago

Thanks, I'll see if I can reproduce the error in a standalone project.

According to AccessTokenTracker.onCurrentAccessTokenChanged, my access token is:

  1. initialized correctly (with permissions)
  2. set to null
  3. recreated with same token but empty permissions set
parse-github-bot commented 8 years ago

This issue has not been updated for 7 days. If you have additional information to help pinpoint this issue as an SDK bug, please comment on this issue. We will close this issue in 7 days if no additional information is provided. Thank you for your feedback.

homburg commented 8 years ago

Could not repro, closing

swapnilgt commented 7 years ago

I am still facing this issue. What I want to do is to force user to give away his/her email through facebook as it is necessary for our system to work. So, when I accept to give away the requested permissions at first go, I get all the permissions in the payload. But, let's say, I deny giving email at the first go, I only get public_profile in my AccessToken.getPermissions(). Based on this, I prompt user that the email is required and ask him/her to try again. Now, when I try again and allow to give away the 'email', I get an empty set in AccessToken.getPermissions(). So, this is reproducible for me.

HIFILEO commented 7 years ago

swapnilgt is right. This is still an issue.

I was able to reproduce this by updating permissions using facebook SDK. Somewhere along the line, parse facebook utils updated the AccessToken and set all permissions to 0.