parse-community / ParseLiveQuery-Android

Parse LiveQuery client for Android.
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Error when adding ParseLiveQuery to build gradle #102

Closed Myk-da-Beast closed 5 years ago

Myk-da-Beast commented 5 years ago

I put this line in my root build.gradle: maven { url "" }

and this line in my project build.gradle: implementation 'com.github.parse-community:ParseLiveQuery-Android:1.1.0'

the gradle sync runs fine but when I attempt to build I get: Error: Program type already present: com.parse.AbstractQueryController$1

Any ideas? I'm using back4app to host my parse server instance, could that be the problem?

Jawnnypoo commented 5 years ago

What does your Parse SDK dependency look like?

Myk-da-Beast commented 5 years ago

I think you mean this: implementation "com.parse:parse-android:1.17.1" correct?

Jawnnypoo commented 5 years ago

That is the issue, it should be updated to implementation "com.github.parse-community.Parse-SDK-Android:parse:1.19.0" 👍