What a mess. Starscream removed several dependencies causing Carthage to lose its mind. Finally figured out I had to remove the modules from the .git folder. Remove the Carthage folder as well as the Cartfile.resolved and .gitmodules files. Then you HAVE to commit and then run carthage update --use-submodules in order to get everything to update and regenerate your .gitmodules and .resolved files before CircleCI will complete properly. In the future we need to just put all those files and folders on the gitignore and run the carthage command before running the test.
What a mess. Starscream removed several dependencies causing Carthage to lose its mind. Finally figured out I had to remove the modules from the .git folder. Remove the Carthage folder as well as the Cartfile.resolved and .gitmodules files. Then you HAVE to commit and then run
carthage update --use-submodules
in order to get everything to update and regenerate your .gitmodules and .resolved files before CircleCI will complete properly. In the future we need to just put all those files and folders on the gitignore and run the carthage command before running the test.