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new low-level SDK that works well with Redux and React Native #193

Open alexrmacleod opened 5 years ago

alexrmacleod commented 5 years ago

Is it gonna happen? Any one working on this?

flovilmart commented 5 years ago

What features do you need? Many users have success using the JS SDK with those frameworks

alexrmacleod commented 5 years ago

@flovilmart Thanks for reaching out! My concerns come from reading this awesome project

Features needed: 1: User login email, FB auth maybe GitHub auth 2: Email verification 3: stripe.js subscription payment 4: parse.user so when the users returns to the site they are remembered and logged in, don't want them to have to log in every time

looking at the js docs 5: Relations one-many many-many and one-one 6: Queries all the different types

The main reason why I use parse-server is to save time on login, email verification, password stuff and parse-dashboard.

1: Are there better tools than parse-dashboard for visualizing mongo data? 2: Just worried I'll build this project and find unsolvable problems integrating with react. Like what are the problems that can potentially happen?

flovilmart commented 5 years ago

@alexrmacleod there are many users using the plain JS SDK with react and having no problem whatsoever. THis project was written when React was still big on mixins, which is not the case anymore. For sure it would be nice to have component based API like apollo, store and redux things, and I'd be willing to consider PR's or a re-write. In the meantime, I would not encourage you to use this project as it relies on very old version of react, but to use the plain JS SDK.

Is there anything you can't do with the JS SDK that require immediate attention?

alexrmacleod commented 5 years ago

Nothing immediate thanks for your kind concern. People like you are what makes parse great.

1: A react-parse todo template that works out of the box with basic, landing/marketing page, social login, facebook, google auth, user persistence, materialize CSS styling, common UI flow stuff etc... would just be awesome for the community and encourage devs to build with parse. I wish I was smart enough to do it myself. Perhaps with some guidance and time I could.

2: Component-based API like Apollo, store and redux things" this sounds amazing. combined with above would be ridiculous for devs not to use.

alexrmacleod commented 5 years ago

@flovilmart what about Vue.js with the parse js sdk? Would there be any hangups?

Thinking about building what I mentioned above with Vue for the parse community. To encourage web development with parse-server and parse js sdk.

flovilmart commented 5 years ago

What do you mean by hang ups?

alexrmacleod commented 5 years ago

What could potentially not work, go wrong or limitations when using Vue.js with parse-server and parse.js sdk compared to using just plain, express, mongoose and mongodb?

flovilmart commented 5 years ago

I have no idea how to use vue.js but my guts would tell me nothing at all.

MileanCo commented 4 years ago

Could you please update the main documentation page to say that this project is no longer relevant? It's very confusing to new users coming to this platform (React with Parse Server)