parse-community / ParseUI-Android

ParseUI contains user interface libraries for building apps with the Parse Android SDK.
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Unknown Parse UI Login Failure #111

Closed StuStirling closed 8 years ago

StuStirling commented 8 years ago

I have a user who has logged in fine on one device using an email account but on another he can't log in at all and gets the toast "Could not login, please try again later.".

He assures me he is using the correct credentials.

I have tracked down where this toast gets launched from and its in the com.parse.ui.ParseLoginFragment.

The line in question is called when the login returns an error with an error code that does not match the error code ParseException.OBJECT_NOT_FOUND.

ParseUser.logInInBackground(username, password, new LogInCallback() {
        public void done(ParseUser user, ParseException e) {
          if (isActivityDestroyed()) {

          if (user != null) {
          } else {
            if (e != null) {
              debugLog(getString(R.string.com_parse_ui_login_warning_parse_login_failed) +
              if (e.getCode() == ParseException.OBJECT_NOT_FOUND) {
                if (config.getParseLoginInvalidCredentialsToastText() != null) {
                } else {
              } else {
wangmengyan95 commented 8 years ago

Hi @StuStirling, for login, the ParseUI module just use a normal android ParseUser.logInInBackground() API call. Is it possible for you try the android or rest API call to see what happens?

StuStirling commented 8 years ago

Not possible as this is in release and the user reporting it is still having the issue. I can tell the error code and message it's coming back with though as in a beta I released to him he has given me feedback.

(100) i/o failure
wangmengyan95 commented 8 years ago

Hi @StuStirling, is it possible for you to give us the full stack trace? I/O failure probably means your user has the problem on connecting to Parse or facebook server, but without the stacktrace or a sample repo project, it is very hard for us to tell you the exact issue.

chuonglam commented 8 years ago

I'm having this issue too. I still don't know how to fix it. I've tried on many Android version emulators, the latest parse sdk works fine on 5.0, then I tried on 4.x and the issue occurs. Please help.

mliell commented 8 years ago

I have the same problem, someone managed to solve?

grantland commented 8 years ago

@chuonglam @mliell could either of you update us on the stack trace?

mliell commented 8 years ago

in Logcat:

ResourceType: Failure getting entry for 0x010802c9 (t=7 e=713) in package 0 (error -75)

chuonglam commented 8 years ago

count: -1 exception code: 100 message: i/o failure 312-370/system_process I/qtaguid: Failed write_ctrl(s 0 10021) res=-1 errno=1

mliell commented 8 years ago

When analyze android monitor network by clicking create account no data is fired or received.

grantland commented 8 years ago

@chuonglam @mliell We need the full stack trace, not just the message and code. An example here:

The Parse SDK version, ParseUI version, and concise repro steps would be needed as well.

mliell commented 8 years ago

@grantland #

grantland commented 8 years ago

@mliell there are no exception in those logs, so I'm not sure you're having the same issue described here. It seems you are having issues using Parse, which would be better asked on Google Groups or Stack Overflow as we try to reserve Github issues for bugs discovered in the SDK.

chuonglam commented 8 years ago

hi @grantland, I think my error is fixed by ParsePlatform/Parse-SDK-Android#326 (comment) now, thank you for your support.

parse-github-bot commented 8 years ago

This issue has not been updated for 7 days. If you have additional information to help pinpoint this issue as an SDK bug, please comment on this issue. We will close this issue in 7 days if no additional information is provided. Thank you for your feedback.

parse-github-bot commented 8 years ago

We are closing this issue due to another 7 days of inactivity. If you have additional information to help pinpoint this issue as an SDK bug, please reopen it with the additional information.Thank you for your feedback.