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📙 Refurbishment of Python code examples #894

Closed cyb3rko closed 2 years ago

cyb3rko commented 2 years ago

Link to section: I don't know how many doc entries contain Python code but in the REST API guide are most of them:

What is the issue? The shown Python 2 code is outdated and gives instant errors if you try to run it in Python 3 (which is out since 2008, so definitely the today's standard):


Can you propose a solution? To just make it work again it would be

import json,http.client   # new import
connection = http.client.HTTPSConnection('YOUR.PARSE-SERVER.HERE', 443)   # using new import
connection.request('GET', '/parse/classes/GameScore', '', {
    "X-Parse-Application-Id": "${APPLICATION_ID}",
    "X-Parse-REST-API-Key": "${REST_API_KEY}"
result = json.loads(connection.getresponse().read())
print(result)   # changed print syntax

But according to the PEP 8 coding guidelines the imports should be on seperate lines and there should be 2 blank lines after the import section:

import http.client
import json


Do we want to renew all the Python examples step by step to have modern examples you can directly use without errors and Googling what to change to make everything work again???

I'm interested in doing this if you say we want this to be done.

mtrezza commented 2 years ago

I'd say that would be preferred. Is there a reason why it wouldn't be?

cyb3rko commented 2 years ago

Alright. I don't think there's a reason not to do so.

mtrezza commented 2 years ago

Got it. In that case it would be fantastic if you wanted to take this on.